While some roleplaying gamers love scratch paper, friends round a table and the feeling of holding your dice in your hand, others are keen to remove what they see as some of the less exciting, more administrative aspects of gaming so that they can focus on the characters, the adventure and the excitement.
To that end, Iron Crown Enterprises has created a number of different e-support products to manage everything from character creation and combat tracking to complete virtual tabletops.
We’re really pleased with the products that we’ve produced, so much so that we want as many people to be using them as possible (if that’s how they like to game) so we have created bundles on RPGNow so that you can buy complete sets of Iron Crown e-support products all in one go.
Electronic Roleplaying Assistant for Rolemaster
ERA (Electronic Roleplaying Assistant) for Rolemaster is the ultimate companion for Rolemaster campaigns. This free application manages all aspects of your RPG including character creation, campaign management and combat resolution.
You can download the application for free from RPGNow and now you can buy add-ons for the product in three bundles: RM Classic core dataset (containing Arms Law, Character Law, Spell Law and RMC Creatures), RMFRP core dataset (containing Core and Character Law, Spell Law, Arms Law and RMFRP Creatures) and RMFRP companion dataset (containing Arcane Companion, Channeling Companion, Essence Companion and Mentalism Companion).
Each of these bundles are now available for just $20 which is almost half the original price.
In addition to the ERA bundles, we are now offering two bundles for the brilliant AutoHARP e-support product.
AutoHARP combines a Character Creator and a Combat Tracker and is available for both HARP Fantasy and HARP-SF. We are now offering two bundles for AutoHARP – An SF bundle (containing AutoHARP SF and AutoHARP SF Xtreme datasets) and an AutoHARP Fantasy Supplements bundle (containing the Martial Law, College of Magics and Folkways datasets). Both bundles can be picked up from RPGNow for just $15.
For more information on Iron Crown Enterprises’ e-support offering, please visit our e-support page. For hints and tips on how to get the most out of ERA for Rolemaster or AutoHARP and to have your say on which features you would like to see next, visit the Iron Crown Enterprises forum.