Iron Crown Enterprises is a small independent publisher staffed entirely by freelancers and volunteers. If you would like to work with us in some capacity, please see the appropriate section below. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Visit our Contact ICE page to send us a message.
Write for ICE
We are always looking for writers to help us produce new products for our systems and settings. If you are interested in writing for Iron Crown Enterprises, please email Nicholas at NicholasHMCaldwell@gmail.com with a brief outline (a paragraph or two) about what you would like to write and which system, setting and edition you would like to write for.
Please be aware that we tend not to accept submissions from people who are looking to create a whole new system.
If you would like to write something for an ICE system or setting in a less formal, unpaid capacity, then please see the Community Content section below.
Community content
Community content is different to ‘writing for ICE’. Our writers are under contract and are paid upon release of their work. However, this arrangement isn’t always what writers and creators are looking for. If you’re looking for a more informal arrangement where there are no contracts and no money changes hands, this is the option for you.
If you’re thinking of creating some community content, we would suggest that you first get in touch with Nicholas via NicholasHMCaldwell@gmail.com. You don’t have to, but Nicholas will be able to discuss the project with you and, if the project is suitable, check that you wouldn’t prefer to release it commercially.
If you are certain that you don’t want to release it commercially, we are happy to host all community content in the ICE forum vault. Once placed in the vault, both the creator and ICE will be able to link to it and promote it via social media, email and any other channels.
To have your work placed in the ICE vaults, you will still need to contact Nicholas on the above email address.
Sharing content that uses Iron Crown’s intellectual property without our express permission is a breach of copyright.
Translating ICE products to other languages
ICE is always keen to hear from companies or individuals who believe they have the skills to help bring ICE’s products to new markets in a new language. If you’re interested in working with ICE in this capacity, contact Colin via colin-ice@hotmail.co.uk with information on which markets and languages you feel you could help with, which products you’re interested in and what (if any) experience you have in similar projects.
We’re always on the look out for new artists to produce art for our products. If you’re an artist and interested in working with Iron Crown, please email Colin at colin-ice@hotmail.co.uk with a link to your portfolio (or some examples of your work) and any notes about the kind of work you are looking for (colour/black and white, specific styles or content preferences).
Our layout gurus are the people responsible for wrestling the text, art and charts into a single file which is clear, visually appealing and easy-to-use. If you think you have the skills (and patience) necessary for this very important job, contact Nicholas via NicholasHMCaldwell@gmail.com.
Creating apps / eSupport products
ICE has several policies in regards to various programs and computer applications that individuals may want to create for use with ICE products.
Any and all derivative products must be licensed from ICE. We have a basic license that allows for the creation of certain of these tools provided they are for free use. Hence, you should not be posting or giving away any ICE support tools without a license first from ICE. To discuss getting a license, please contact Colin via Colin-ice@hotmail.co.uk.
The various types of tools and relevant rules are listed below:
Character Generation Tools
Once you sign a Game System License with ICE, You may create and distribute these so long as you do not charge for them. Also, these tools may not contain more material than is needed to create the character and display the information on a character sheet. (i.e. the names of a spell on a list is okay, but the descriptions of such spells are not).
Combat Management Tools
These tend to be more problematic due to the fact that many people would like to include the actual critical results in such tools. However, doing so can negatively impact upon ICE’s sales of several of its books. Therefore, these types of tools need to be approved (and you must sign a Game System License with ICE) before they can be distributed.
Other Tools
Once you sign a Game System License with ICE, So long as the tool does not contain large amounts of ICE material, then you may create and distribute them provided you do not charge for them.
Licensed Applications
If you want to create a tool that contains large portions of ICE material, or to charge for an application that you are creating, then you will need a license from ICE to do so. Don’t let that discourage you though. We are always looking for high quality support tools for our products.
Licensing ICE’s intellectual property
ICE frequently considers requests for the licensing of its products, including its role playing game systems, game settings, adventure books and collectible card games, amongst others.
You should consider the following before contacting us:
ICE generally only license its properties to professionals
ICE will consider, but is unlikely to provide a license to first time authors
Should you wish to contact us, you should do so with a well thought out plan with significant sample material already prepared.
For the creation of products that are designed to be given away for free, please see the Community Content section.
If you are interested in licensing ICE intellectual property, please contact colin-ice@hotmail.co.uk.
ICE at conventions
We’re often looking for people to run ICE games at conventions and bring others into the world of Iron Crown Enterprises.
If you’re attending a convention and would like to run an ICE game, please get in touch and we will promote your game and give you whatever support we can. In addition, please keep an eye on our newsletters and social media as we will sometimes proactively seek out GMs and volunteers to help out at conventions that we’re attending.
Other ways of working with ICE
If you would like to work with Iron Crown Enterprises in a way that isn’t covered on this page, then please visit out Contact ICE page to send us a message.