New Resleases for AutoHARP!

AutoHARP RPG SoftwareWith the release of AutoHARP Fantasy: College of Magics and AutoHARP SF Xtreme which are available now for a limited time only for just $5.00, we take a look at the AutoHARP range and what it offers.
AutoHARP combines a Character Creator and a Combat Tracker, both of which are fully compatible with HARP Fantasy or HARP-SF.
The Character Creator comes with a full Wizard for creating new characters and Hybrid race creation, full support for Adolescence and profession rank selection, cleric base spell lists and talent selection for certain professions, easy access to character traits, offenses, defenses, skills, talents, magic, statistics, and equipment, ability to print full character sheets with avatars, frequently used skills, RR information, Initiative information, BMR information, offensive attacks: both melee and missile, skills, spells, and equipment and a fully customized database written in XML allowing the user to easily adjust information as specific worlds or house rules.
The Combat Tracker has the ability to create, edit, open and save encounters, create, edit, import or duplicate characters which make up an encounter, customize the character’s level, hit points, power points, Stamina, BMR, Armor, talent and shield DB, size, focus item, casting penalty, as well as create a character that doesn’t take stun, penalties or bleeding criticals and keep track of all spells, attacks, maneuvers, initiatives, character statuses, etc.
The download contains the HARP Fantasy/HARP-SF database and for convenience, a copy of the executable software application.
There are now a number of add ons available for AutoHARP Fantasy and AutoHARP SF to help broaden AutoHARP’s capabilities and offer even greater levels of support to GMs and players alike.
AutoHARP RPG SoftwareAutoHARP Fantasy: College of Magics
AutoHARP Fantasy: College of Magics is now available at the introductory price of $5.00 for the next two weeks.
AutoHARP Fantasy: College of Magics expands on the breadth and depth of the magical capabilities of AutoHARP Fantasy. The database file includes all the new professions, new skills, new spells, new talents and more introduced in College of Magics.
Get AutoHARP Fantasy: College of Magics for just $5.00 before 18 November.
Buy it now!
AutoHARP SF RPG SoftwareAutoHARP SF Xtreme
AutoHARP SF Xtreme is OUT NOW and for the next two weeks only can be bought at the introductory price of $5.00.
The database file includes Vehicle Combat, Vehicles in general added to the items, Cyberware, Interstellar Travel, a Virtual Character converter and the ability to create an AI or Robotic character, providing you with the full suite of options available in HARP SF & HARP SF Xtreme.
Get AutoHARP SF Xtreme for just $5.00 before 19 November.
Buy it now!
AutoHARP Fantasy: Martial Law RPG SoftwareAutoHARP Fantasy: Martial Law
AutoHARP Fantasy: Martial Law is an add-on database (drawing upon the Martial Law supplement) for the AutoHARP Fantasy software.
The database file includes new combat rules, combat actions, new skills, weapons, armor, combat styles and martial art styles, new talents and new items. Players can now use Martial Law combat in the Combat Tracker which includes new critical tables and attacks by location. There are also new rules for social classes which include random starting money for the character based on their social class. Additional armor information from Martial Law is also included: new armor pieces, armor quality and armor material.
Buy it now!
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