Director’s Briefing – December 2015

Welcome to the fifty-fifth Briefing and the twelfth scheduled Briefing for 2015.
A final reminder that we will be at Dragonmeet 2015 (on the 5th December in London) running the “ICE” stand. Boxes of shiny softcover and hardcover HARP, HARP SF, and Shadow World are ready to be placed in a suitcase for transportation down to London. These include six hardcover copies of Eidolon.
When not joining myself behind the ICE stand, Chris Seal will be GMing his RMU adventure, Lair of the Ice Lord.
“He Who Parts the Mists of Time, chief shaman of the Seal tribe, awoke with a start of terror. Though the vision was cloudy, the spirits had chosen to alert him to the danger his people were sailing towards. A few days later, at a gathering of the Great Fleet of the Seal people, He Who Parts the Mists of Time told his tale. Thus it was that you and your companions, protectors of the tribe and blessed by the spirits, found yourself travelling ahead of the fleet, navigating the hazards of the ice floes and making landfall on the sea ice. Several hard days of travel across the Whitelands have brought you to your destination. Ahead of you, thrust up into the sky like a fist of ice, is the source of the danger that instilled He Who Parts the Mists of Time with such fear, but you still have time. Now, while the evil within is still rising, growing like a cancer on the lands, now is the time for you to act.’
If you are in the UK on the 5th, we hope to see you at Dragonmeet.
Shadow World
Shadow World: EidolonThe print masters for Eidolon were uploaded onto 24th October, and the hardcover was approved in short order, and proof copies arrived very quickly for both myself and Terry. The softcover made it to Lightning Source and then disappeared. OneBookShelf presented it to LightningSource but it has not yet been approved. I suspect it has gone missing again.
As soon as this hiccup is resolved, Eidolon will be available for purchase in softcover.
However, I am very pleased to report thanks to the assistance of Meredith at OneBookShelf that the hardcover edition of Eidolon is now available for purchase through OneBookShelf, and indeed we are doing a bundle offer of a 5 USD discount for anyone buying pdf and hardcover.
The development team are working very hard on solutions for the various dealbreakers and other issues of significant concerns. I am meanwhile in rare moments of tranquility to discern how best to make Creature Law into a publishable book – where or more correctly how best to split it.
On HARP Bestiary, I have been persevering with the Elementals. I decided that the best way of presenting the five Elemental being/creatures (Servitors, Steeds, Hunters, Savants and Warriors) was for each type to give an individual description and abilities/combat per Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, and then shared text for Lifestyle, Background and Adventure Notes. I have twenty sets of descriptions and abilities/combat written up fully, and have the Lifestyle, Background and Adventure Notes in note form for Servitors and Steeds. So still to be done are writing up those notes for Servitors and Steeds, completing the writeups of Hunters, Savants and Warrior, and then bring the Elemental Heritage and Creatures sections into alignment with all the other revisions. Elemental Heritage covers such matters as Lesser and Greater Elemental Blood talents; Elemental Creatures covers converting normal monsters into elementally transformed creatures.
Safely relocated and (mostly) settled in his new home, Terry has been working on generating an art list for HARP Folkways. I am expecting to receive that soon and then we will be able to commission the artwork.
Material continues to appear in the corporate DropBox folder for The Poseidon Gambit, and Joel also poses interesting rules queries on the HARP SF forums.
Until next time
The next scheduled Briefing will be in January 2016, so all that remains for me to do is to wish you all a Merry Christmas (or other holiday of your choosing) and a Happy New Year.
Best wishes,
Director, Guild Companion Publications Ltd.
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