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To the eighty-ninth Briefing and the tenth scheduled Briefing of 2018. A short Briefing this month as it has been busy in the real-world with the start of a new academic year, but still happy.
Shadow World
While you have been enjoying the second edition of Shadow World: Jaiman: Land of Twilight, Terry has been busy working on Haalkitaine. His approach has been to combine the editing and revising of the existing text with adding new material as he goes along. Terry’s expectation is that the second edition of Haalkitaine will have 100+ pages of new content, with a particular emphasis on groups and people that player-characters might encounter. As an occasional change of pace, he is also making modest progress on Emer IV.
I don’t have any progress to report on RMU Creature Law this month, but I have not forgotten RMU.
I completed the HARP Subterfuge sourcebook draft. The second half of the sourcebook covered chapters such as deceptive combat, martial arts and ninjas, magic and subterfuge, adventuring, organisations, loot, getting caught, ethics, and countermeasures. The second half was as excellent as the first. The draft with requests for changes is now with the author.
It is currently a race between which of the adventure modules HARP SF Poseidon Gambit and HARP Garden of Rain will reach complete draft first and will be arriving in my inbox for editing.
Until next time
Various projects require my attention to get them safely started and then I will be returning my attention to the editing of the text of HARP Bestiary and getting the art commissioned for both Subterfuge and Bestiary.
Best wishes,
Director, Iron Crown Enterprises Ltd
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