WANTED – Rolemaster Combat Minion Playtesters

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We’re currently working on a brand new e-support product which we have named the Rolemaster Combat Minion and we’re looking for playtesters.
Rolemaster Combat Minion makes a GM’s life much easier. It speeds up play and minimises errors and, in the not too distant future we’re hoping to have the application, along with a small number of tables available for free download.
Before any of that happens however we need playtesters to try the application and let us know what works and what doesn’t work and how you think it could be improved.
If you’re interested in getting involved, you can access the web application by CLICKING HERE. Once you’ve given in a try let us know what you think on our DEDICATED FORUM THREAD.
Even if you don’t have the time to test it, keep up-to-date with the Rolemaster Combat Minion by visiting our forum or signing up to our MAILING LIST.