If you follow Iron Crown Enterprises on Twitter, you will hopefully be aware that we have recently been trying to crowd source an NPC for HARP Fantasy by posing a series of polls for our followers to complete. If I’m honest, it was a lot more difficult that I initially imagined (mostly due to Twitter […]
Tag: Character
Snuggle Monster for HARP
To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we have created a new monster and a new spell for you to use in your next HARP adventure. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Snuggle Monster! SNUGGLE MONSTER Name: Snuggle Monster Level: 4 Size: Medium BMR Type: Quadruped : Biped BMR: 31:14 # Enc: […]
Characters – The crew of ‘The Raven’
HAAAAR HAAAAR M’HEARTIES! Well shiver m’timbers if it isn’t international talk like a pirate day! To help you add a hint of the seven seas into your fantasy role playing, we’ve put together a fearsome pirate crew for use in your game of Rolemaster – The crew of ‘The Raven’. “There are some […]
NPC – Marvin
To mark Towel Day (a tribute to the late, great Douglas Adams and his work) we have put together an NPC for HARP-SF. I am thrilled (though he is not) to introduce you to Marvin, the manically depressed robot! Marvin HARP-SF Character profile >> Marvin was created by the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation and imbued with […]
NPC – “Father Time”
No-one knows his name or where he came from but his incredible speed and mastery of magic and time has earned him the name “Father Time”. He wanders alone through the world and does not want for anything. Using his speed and magical abilities he takes what food and water he needs from anyone he […]