Rolemaster Combat Minion (RMSS/FRP) – Out Now!

Rolemaster Combat Minion SoftwareRolemaster Combat Minion is the most recent addition to the Rolemaster family and you can now get the RMSS/RMFRP data sets for this brilliant e-support package from RPGNow for just $20. Rolemaster Combat Minion offers a simple & fast way to manage combat encounters.
Buy it now
“Minion” is a free web app to help GMs process and track combat encounters and stats/health/wounds. It streamlines the entire combat process, including initiative, combat calculations, attack and critical tables. It can be used on any desktop PC or tablet with a normal web browser.
This license unlocks the entire set of weapon and critical tables for the RMSS/RMFRP Rolemaster rules for use with the Rolemaster Combat Minion a free web app. You can evaluate the application for free by visiting the site before purchasing the tables from RPGNow.
Features include:

  • your own database of PCs, NPCs and monsters (create/edit/clone)
  • initiative sequence fully automated
  • attack results calculated by the software with full table lookups
  • all wounds applied, tracked and saved by the software
  • encounter log showing the entire sequence of combat actions
  • save & restore your database of PCs/NPCs/monsters
  • create and install custom attack and critical tables
  • compatible with all current versions of rolemaster
  • Free web app includes 6 combat tables: Broadsword, Short Bow, Shock Bolt attack tables, and Slash, Puncture, Electricity crit tables

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