Iron Crown Enterprises Newsletter – September 2014

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Any of you lucky enough to be following Iron Crown Enterprises on Facebook may have seen a recent post about Lord of the Rings (don’t get your hopes up MERP is NOT coming back). While I have heard many reasons to refuse the theory put forward in the post, I can’t stop thinking about it so I thought I would add it to the newsletter to encourage a debate on the topic. Read the post here.
Catch up on what you’ve missed with this month’s Director’s Briefing.

We are pleased to announce the imminent release of ERA for Rolemaster. If you’ve spent any time on the ICE forum recently you have no doubt seen the thread dedicated to its playtesting, feedback and revisions, well now it is done. We’re just finalising the file upload to RPGNow and we will let you know when it is finished. ERA is a multi-functional e-support package with a number of capabilities including:

  • Create characters step by step then level them up and update them as your games progress
  • Manage adventures, handle combat, skill resolution, spell casting, resistances, resting and more
  • Watch each character status (hits, pp’s, stun, bleed, penalties) and check skills and spells (including full descriptions) from a smartphone, tablet or laptop.
  • Customise skills, professions, races, cultures, attack tables, criticals, spells and talents and flaws

You may have noticed that the Iron Crown Enterprises blog has recently seen a flurry of activity around members of the Order of the Iron Crown running games, attending conventions and generally promoting ICE products to the big wide world.
This trend is set to continue as Iron Crown start prepping run an OFFICIAL ICE STALL at this year’s Dragonmeet in London, UK. We’ll soon be releasing an e-mail outlining our plans for the event, who will be there and when and how you can get involved. In the mean time, if you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a member of the Order of the Iron Crown and recieving rewards just for playing and promoting ICE products, get in touch and we’ll get you all signed up.

It is all go in Shadow World with Terry K. Amthor working on a number of projects at once (but what’s new there). The adventure module ‘Tales from the Green Gryphon Inn’ is nearing completion with Terry “just tweaking a final adventure” and awaiting artwork.
Aside from that he has been working on a new module for NE Jaiman (similar to Xa-ar), which has already reached 75 pp of text alone, and tinkering with Eidolon and Emer II revisions.

Ready for playtesting at last, the folks at our sister site Metal Express have released new ship displays and rules for the dreaded Night Brood for the Silent Death game, including the six ships that have for so many years now had no ship display available!
That’s right, loyal fans of Silent Death can find ship displays for the Bright Thorn, the Skree, the Scarab, the Eel, the formidable Monarch, and the insidious Worm Pod at long last, so now you can expand your Night Brood swarms and even take on Terran Warhounds (and take them out!) as only the vile Night Brood can.

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