Iron Crown Enterprises’ Newsletter – April 2014

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It has been a huge month here at ICE HQ. After a lot of thought and planning, we have now re-launched the Order of the Iron Crown. The Order is our way of rewarding fans and followers who help in the creation or promotion of ICE products across the globe.
If you want to join the Order of the Iron Crown or if you just want to find out more, you can do so on the Order of the Iron Crown webpage.
Catch up on what you’ve missed with this month’s Director’s Briefing.

This month has seen the beta release of ERA for Rolemaster. ERA for Rolemaster is a brand new e-support package which allows you to create characters and manage adventures quickly and easily.
The beta test includes a limited number of races, professions and spells as well as a couple of attack and critical tables. To find out more about the new software and take part in the beta test, please visit the ERA for Rolemaster thread on our forum.
Don’t forget to revisit the forum once you have tested it and give us your thoughts.

AutoHARP 1.0.5 will soon be available from RPGNow. For those of you that have already purchased this brilliant e-support package, you will be informed of the update and have to implement it.
You can also give us your feedback on what you would like to see in future updates on the AutoHARP forum thread. If you haven’t already got AutoHARP, check it out HERE.

Terry Amthor continues work on Emer II and a new adventure module for Shadow World. The adventure modules is now in its second draft and Nicholas (Director of Guild Companion Publications) is hoping to cast his eagle eye over it as soon as possible.
A huge thanks to all those who have bought and reviewed Shadow World: Emer III. The setting book has been brilliantly received and is STILL in the RPGNow top forty nearly three months after its release.
If you haven’t yet got your copy you can get Emer III in hardcover, softcover and pdf versions via RPGNow.

The XP Tracker, another great piece of support software which helps speed up game play has now been updated to version 1.3 and is available now from itunes.
The new version includes: ios 5.1 – 7.x compatibility, the ability to export and import characters through iTunes on your computer, a help page with streaming tutorials and adjustable hit points and spell points on the main character page.

To receive this monthly newsletter direct to your inbox, sign up to our MAILING LIST now.