ERA Fire and Ice The Elemental Companion out now!

ERA Ice and FireLove the Electronic Roleplaying Assistant (ERA)? Then this will make your day: Iron Crown Enterprises are pleased to announced the release of yet another new module! Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome ERA for Rolemaster RMSS/FRP Fire and Ice The Elemental Companion!
ERA for Rolemaster RMSSFRP Fire and Ice The Elemental Companion
The RMFRP Fire and Ice package for ERA includes 11 professions, 9 attack tables, 2 critical tables, 50 spell lists, and 80 creature templates.
Add an elemental touch to your campaign with the hottest and coolest RMFRP content. Create an elemental specialist for any of the 6 elemental powers, or combine them all under an Arcane Elementalist. Travel the elemental planes with an Elemental Explorer, or fight alongside the elemental companions of an Elemental Champion.
Special attack tables are presented. From the gigantic Boulder, to the powerful ball attacks of Aether and Nether (accompanied by their very own critical tables).
All characters can benefit also from access to the Closed Elemental spell lists. Control light and wield fire, create ice and move the very earth under your enemies.
Elemental creatures of all kinds can take form in your adventures. Fight against an Air Serpent, charge into battle on an Earth Steed, or roam the skies on an Ice Riding Drake.
Buy it now >>
Electronic Roleplaying Assistant
This module is an add-on feature package for ERA for Rolemaster which is available for free from RPGNow.
ERA allows players to create their characters using a step by step wizard, level them up and configure all details in terms of stats, skills and special abilities. These characters can then be added to a running campaign in the adventuring module from which the game master can control all aspects of the game including resolving maneuvers, resistances, resting, and of course, spell casting and combat.
Try ERA for free >>
Love ERA? Check out our complete range of addition modules:
Rolemaster Classic
Character Law
Spell Law
Arms Law
Shadow World Module
Combat Companion
Rolemaster Companion I
Creature Module
Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing
Core and Character Law
Spell Law
Arms Law
The Armory
Shadow World Module
Combat Companion
Mentalism Companion
Essence Companion
Channeling Companion
Arcane Companion
Creature Module
You can also now get ERA modules in one of three different bundles:
RM Classic core dataset (containing Arms Law, Character Law, Spell Law and RMC Creatures)
RMFRP core dataset (containing Core and Character Law, Spell Law, Arms Law and RMFRP Creatures)
RMFRP companion dataset (containing Arcane Companion, Channeling Companion, Essence Companion and Mentalism Companion).

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