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To the eighty-eighth Briefing and the ninth scheduled Briefing of 2018. A happier Briefing this month.
Gen Con 2018
My spies inform me that GenCon 2018 was a great success. Our thanks to all who manned the stand, GMed demo games and helped out in any way. Your efforts are appreciated by us.
Shadow World
I am very pleased to formally announce that the second edition of Shadow World: Jaiman: Land of Twilight has been released in pdf. The continent of Jaiman in all its glory with expanded text, timeline, updated materials, adventures, new maps, and new artwork.
As is our custom, we have released the pdf at the introductory price of 12 USD. You can purchase Jaiman from RPGNow, and find it at the following link: Buy it now >>
Terry is also immensely cheered to see Jaiman live again and is now focused on finishing the text of Haalkitaine
Rolemaster and Spacemaster
The ERA dataset has been expanded by Max with the creation of two additional datasets – RMSS/FRP Races & Cultures and RM2/Classic Oriental Companion.
You can find these on RPGNow: RMFRP Races and Cultures and RMC Oriental Companion
Max is actively seeking your thoughts on what you believe are the most pressing future priorities for ERA. He is considering expanding ERA to handle Spacemaster as well.
As avid readers of the preview in the Guild Companion will have seen, HARP Subterfuge is impressive even in draft. It is even more impressive when you read the entire draft. This will be a heavyweight sourcebook and a great addition to the HARP Fantasy lineup. So far the editing pass has covered chapters on subterfuge professions (including the three new professions of Beguiler, Nightblade, and Ninja), racial and cultural impacts, skills, talents, equipment, subterfuge techniques, and poisons, and I am only halfway through the draft. This is not a vast sprawling tome – this is a definitive comprehensive and tightly organised book. You will love this.
Until next time
Back to more HARP Subterfuge.
Best wishes,
Director, Iron Crown Enterprises Ltd
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