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To the sixty-sixth Briefing and the eleventh scheduled Briefing of 2016. I certainly rolled a 66 last month, slipping outside the office and landing on my back. Still feeling a bit fragile. Academia continues to be relentless. However, some good news:
HARP Loot is now on sale.
Originally published in 2005, HARP Loot: a Field Guide was written by Jonathan Cassie. It has been revised to bring it into alignment with HARP Fantasy and HARP College of Magics, given a new name – HARP Loot – and can once more resume its place in the roll of honour of HARP sourcebooks.
HARP Loot is a vast treasure trove of items, mundane and magical, and where and with whom (or sometimes what) it can be found. More, it contains rules for creating new types of runes, new potions, new charms, fetishes and talismans, and intelligent items. It introduces alternative means for enchanting permanent magical items, including a new set of potent High Magic spells. It also provides rules and guidance for when magic items and loot of any sort backfires on creator and possessor.
The original cover has been preserved as the frontispiece of the book, while a new cover from Raymond Gaustadnes makes the new edition distinctive. The interior art has also been refreshed with contributions from Maria Duffield, Rick Hansen and Raymond Gaustadnes.
You can purchase the pdf from OneBookShelf via THIS LINK.
The print masters have already been sent to OneBookShelf in the hopes that we will be able to have softcover and hardcover versions in time for Dragonmeet on 3rd December.
ERA for Rolemaster
Max has completed another ERA dataset, namely Rolemaster Companion I. This adds all the professions, races, spell lists, individual spells, and background options from the Companion. It also includes all the herbs and creatures from Rolemaster Companion I
You can purchase the dataset from OneBookShelf directly via THIS LINK.
In addition to a new dataset, Max has added herb lists to the RMC Character Law dataset and RMSS Core and Character Law datasets from the analogous books. Herbs and creatures have been added to the two Shadow World datasets. A new MacOS Sierra base has been added to the main software and various fixes made to other datasets. If you have already purchased one of the improved datasets, and you have registered to receive emails from publishers on the OneBookShelf, then you may already have received emails indicating that files have been updated. Please download at your convenience.
More on HARP, Shadow World, and RMU
HARP Folkways has been sent to Terry for his layout magic.
Terry is feverishly writing the enhanced version of Emer I. He may also targeting Haalkitaine as it needs a lighter touch in terms of revisions. In between times, “Shade” is receiving some editorial attention and he is also working intermittently on Emer IV.
Garden of Rain, a new Rolemaster/HARP module from Brad White, is expected to arrive in first draft form in the next couple of weeks. It is inspired by one of Colin’s adventure seeds, This may become a RMU/HARP module.
Dragonmeet Convention
A reminder that John Seal, Colin Smith and myself will be at Dragonmeet on the 3rd December in London. Still opportunities to run a last-minute Rolemaster, HARP/HARP SF, or Spacemaster game. If you are attending the convention, please drop by our stand and have a chat.
Until next time
Back to this treadmill. The next scheduled Briefing will be in December.
Best wishes,
Director, Guild Companion Publications Ltd.
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