Bundle of Holding +5

Here’s a limited-time chance to get a cool bundle of fiction and non-fiction, including Terry K. Amthor’s recently released Loremaster Legacy:
The Bundle of Holding +5, novels take you to fantastic Japan, to the Shadow World (of Rolemaster fame), and to hidden back-streets of a supernatural city. And our writers make nonfiction just as exciting. Kenneth Hite takes a lively stroll through four dozen tales of horror in Tour de Lovecraft; in Never Unprepared, Phil Vecchione gives you some of the best gamemastering advice you’ve ever heard; and you’ll learn the fascinating ancestry and early history of Dungeons & Dragons in Jon Peterson’s acclaimed 2012 treatise Playing at the World.
For a limited time, you can get this entire collection as DRM-free ebooks in all major formats — for a price you set yourself. You also have an opportunity to send part of your payment to worthwhile charities. Hurry though, the offer finishes at the end of the month.
Click here for more information and to buy it now.