This package includes 68 races and 6 critical tables from Shadow World Master Atlas, 16 attack tables from the Fantasy Weapons supplement and 20 spell lists from Shadow World Master Atlas and Powers of Light and Darkness.
Product Tag: Rolemaster 2 / Rolemaster Classic
ERA for Rolemaster
This free application helps create characters, level them up and configure stats, skills and special abilities. The GM can also control all aspects of the game: resolve maneuvers, resistances and of course, spell casting and combat.
Creatures and Treasures III
Creatures & Treasures III presents a host of new animals and monsters, including: Stone Dragons, Vampire Lords, Undead Elementals, gigantic Skeleton Constructs, etc. Also detailed inside are a myriad magic items.
ERA for Rolemaster RMC Creatures
With the RMC Creatures package, you get 451 creature templates to choose from. Each entry gives you information on movement, attacks, defenses and critical resolution is automatically loaded when selecting a creature.
The Iron Wind
The Iron Wind recounts the tale of Elor Once Dark, a famed Loremaster who traveled to the chill land of the Mur Fostisyr, snow-clad isles surrounded by cruel glaciers and treacherous icy wastes.
Kingdom of the Desert Jewel
Kingdom of the Desert Jewel includes adventures for characters of various levels, encounter tables, NPC listings, beasts and poison stats and 10 adventure locations including maps.
Sea Law
Sea Law contains the ship combat system and naval campaign guidelines. With Sea Law a GM can set up and resolve naval battles involving a wide variety of ships from early oared galleys to great sailing ships.
Rolemaster Companion I
Rolemaster Companion I includes 118 new spells and 31 new spell lists, new professions and races, rules for constructing magical items, new monsters and optional rules for a superfast condensed combat.
Rolemaster Classic Arms Law
Arms Law is a fantasy combat system designed for Rolemaster Classic but useable with any system. It includes 30 attack tables, 13 special attack tables, dozens of critical strikes and fumbles.
ERA for Rolemaster RMC Combat Companion
The RMC Combat Companion package for ERA provides 3 RMC professions with their spells, and 19 attack tables with their corresponding critical tables. It also offers new options when creating combat styles and resolving combat.