Product Tag: Rolemaster 2 / Rolemaster Classic

Guild Adventurer 3

The Guild Adventurer is a compilation of adventures and adventure-related material for Rolemaster, Shadow World, Spacemaster, and HARP. In this, the third issue, we have four adventures and one campaign resource article.

Creatures and Treasures II

Creatures & Treasures II offers descriptions and stats for hundreds of beasts, Composite Monsters, Artificial Beings, and Entities from Deep Space! Also included are guides for generating treasure and magic items.

ERA for Rolemaster RMC Armory

With this package you get the 54 weapon attack tables in The Armory supplement for Rolemaster, along with the 7 critical tables required for them. This uses RMC critical tables with the new attack tables from The Armory.

Islands of the Oracle

Islands of the Oracle includes 7 adventure scenarios, maps of all the islands, adventure sites and GM aids, including Master charts for all NPCs, beasts, island military forces and game stats.

Oriental Companion

Oriental Companion is your guide to using Rolemaster for the land of the Orient and is a mix of many Far Eastern cultures and fantasy. This book contains new professions, skills, powers, creatures, items and more.

At Rapiers Point

At Rapier’s Point presents the era of Musketeers, outlaws, and masked avengers who fight for justice, glory and the King. complete with new professions, rules for fencing, muskets and pistols, and swashbuckling maneuvers.