Product Tag: Rolemaster 2 / Rolemaster Classic

ERA for Rolemaster RMC Armory

With this package you get the 54 weapon attack tables in The Armory supplement for Rolemaster, along with the 7 critical tables required for them. This uses RMC critical tables with the new attack tables from The Armory.

The Iron Wind

The Iron Wind recounts the tale of Elor Once Dark, a famed Loremaster who traveled to the chill land of the Mur Fostisyr, snow-clad isles surrounded by cruel glaciers and treacherous icy wastes.

Rolemaster Combat Minion RMC

Rolemaster Combat Minion is a free web app to help GMs process and track combat encounters and stats / health / wounds. It streamlines the entire combat process, including initiative, combat calculations, attack and critical tables.