Iron Crown Enterprises Newsletter – January 2015

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Happy 2015 everyone! The new year is now thoroughly underway and with the rest and relaxation of the holiday period firmly behind us, the wheels are back in motion here at ICE HQ. We’re making some huge progress and already have a great deal in the works for 2015..
Catch up on what you’ve missed with this month’s Director’s Briefing.

As mentioned in the Director’s Briefing, the new Unified Rolemaster now only requires the examples and the tables to be sorted before the second beta can be released.
We’re not quite there yet but the finish line is in sight. We will of course let you know the second that it is available on the forum for download and thanks again for your patience.

There have been a few changes behind the scenes already this year. After a company meet up, we have rejigged a couple of the responsibilities in the team.
The most exciting of these (for me anyway) is that I (Colin the Marketing Guy) will now be taking care of The Order of the Iron Crown.
Nothing will change for members, it is simply that I will now be the new point of contact. If you’re not already a member, check it out here.

As always Terry Amthor is hard at work creating yet more brilliant products for Shadow World. He is currently flipping between making the finishing touches to the Eidolon revision and continuing work on the Lethys module.
In addition, ICE is currently in negotiation with the author of Norek to return it as an updated product. A deal is yet to be done, but we will let you know the second it is available once again.

Things are picking up speed in HARP. The second draft of HARP Folkways is now with Nicholas for the next editing sweep, bringing it one step closer to completion.
The HARP Bestiary is motoring away. Nicholas has just finished the Ghoul Overlay and is now working on the Mummy Overlay with a suitable Curse of the Mummy ability.
The Poseidon Gambit for HARP SF is now under contract. This is an adventure module set in the Tintamar universe. There is still quite a lot of work to do in re-releasing it but we’ll let you know the second it is available again.

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