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This month has been a funny one. It may have seemed a bit quiet on the surface but there has been a whole host of things going on in the background. I for one have got a huge list of things to be getting on with, so I will keep this brief…
Catch up on what you’ve missed with this month’s Director’s Briefing.
Last month we announcement that we were working on a brand new e-support product called the Rolemaster Combat Minion. We have now made some great progress on the product and it is now available for playtesting.
You can now access the web app by following the link on THIS PAGE. Once you’ve been on and had a go, let us know what you think on our dedicated Rolemaster Combat Minion thread on our forum.
The free web app comes with 6 Rolemaster weapon/critical tables and we will be making more databases and tables available through RPGNow once the final release is made.
This month saw the release of AutoHARP Fantasy: College of Magics and AutoHARP SF Xtreme. Both of these are currently still available at the special introductory price of $5.00. This offer ends soon however so don’t delay.
For those of you not acquainted with AutoHARP, it combines a character creator and a combat tracker to help make running your HARP game even quicker and easier.
Both AutoHARP Fantasy and AutoHARP SF, along with a number of add ons are available at RPGNow.
Emer III the edging ever closer to release. The page layout is nearly done and there is now only a few pieces of art and a few stats left to do. Terry K. Amthor continues working on this and a whole host of other projects including reviewing two very promising manuscripts from other authors.
The revisions of Emer I and II and Eidolon continue, though at the moment they are playing second fiddle to the work on Emer III. In addition Terry is working on a brand new book set in NE Jaiman.
Our partners over in Germany are currently working on their next Rolemaster release, “Erweiterung: Mentalismus” (Mentalism Companion). They haven’t set a date yet for an expected release (much like ourselves, the good folks at 13mann are perfectionists).
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