In case you (somehow) managed to miss it: IRON CROWN ENTERPRISES ARE GOING TO GENCON!
We’ve been away for many years, but this year ICE is heading to GenCon 50. We will be sharing a stand with Pointy Hat Games (one of whose principals is Aaron Smalley who worked on Dun Cru and City of Archendurn) and will be selling our wares, talking to fans and encouraging everyone to get involved with ICE through its games, website and forum.
Due to a number of our senior management team being unavailable for the event, we will be relying heavily on members of The Order of the Iron Crown and other volunteers at the convention while we manage things from this side of the pond.
As our first GenCon in a long time, we will be ‘testing the water’ a little bit as to what is involved, what is required and how to make the most of it. While we’ve learned a lot from the past few years of attending Dragonmeet in London, GenCon is a different kettle of fish and we’re really excited to be taking on this new challenge.
So what’s next? In short: A lot of hard work. We’ll be sorting the stand, the products, the legalities as well as organising volunteers, promoting our attendance and encouraging people to come and see us.
What can you do to help? Tell everyone that will listen that ICE will be at GenCon 50 and encourage them to come and see us at the stand. If you’re attending GenCon yourself, feel free to let us know on THIS FORUM THREAD. If you ARE attending and want to run an ICE game or help out on the stand, feel free to GET IN TOUCH.
We’re really excited about once again running a stall at GenCon, re-engaging with fans from the past and gaining new followers. None of this would have been possible without you, our stalwart fans who have been with us through thick and thin. Join us on this next adventure and cry “Long live the Iron Crown!”