ERA for Rolemaster – Out Now!

Electronic Roleplaying AssistantIron Crown Enterprises are thrilled to announce the release of a brand new piece of e-support software to help you run your games of Rolemaster quickly and easily – ERA for Rolemaster.
ERA (Electronic Roleplaying Assistant) is a free application that allows players to create their characters using a step by step wizard, then level them up and configure all details in stats, skills and special abilities, even overriding the automatic calculations. Afterwards, they can be added to a running campaign in the adventuring module.
From there, the game master can control all aspects of the game: resolve manoeuvres, resistances, resting, and of course, spell casting and combat. Players can also oversee the current status of their characters, check all known spells, current skill values and more, all as the adventure progresses, simply by accessing the application with their mobile devices.
The free ERA application comes with a number of Rolemaster Classic sample races, professions, spells, attacks and criticals. For a complete set of Rolemaster Classic data for the application, you can buy Rolemaster Classic Arms Law, Rolemaster Classic Spell Law, and Rolemaster Classic Character Law from the OneBookShelf network for $9.95 each.