Iron Crown Enterprises Director's Briefing

Director’s Briefing – July 2021


To the one hundred-and-twenty-first Briefing and seventh scheduled Briefing of 2021. I hope that you and yours are staying well.

Guild Companion

The Guild Companion magazine has been on hiatus for some while and has recently disappeared from the web. I have had a chat with Kristen Mork and Rob Brott, and we have acquired a complete archive of the Guild Companion magazine way back to the very beginning. Colin is busy getting the archive onto the new ICE webserver so we hope to have all issues available again soon.


A continued thank you to everyone who has spotted and reported errata in the early adopter version of HARP Bestiary. I have held off asking Nick to make changes as another batch of errors were caught, but hope to be able to call it ready soon for the print masters for DriveThruRPG.

I have reviewed the complete first draft layout of HARP Garden of Rain pdf and have caught a few issues, which Nick has happily resolved. I also spotted that a few of the NPCs managed to escape getting their stats for RMC / RMFRP and/or HARP, so I have a request with Brad to stat them up. Brad, by the way, has been working on the sequel adventure module HARP Dark Harvest, Dark Hunt.


Jonathan has completed his additional tweaks and consistency work on RMU Treasure Law, with Colin using that as a basis for artwork commissioning, and this version also with Max for his work on preparing the new RMU datasets for ERA.

ERA Software

Speaking of ERA, Max has produced a new ERA dataset, namely RMFRP Arms Law 2003, for those who would prefer to use its attack and critical tables in ERA rather than the 1999 edition of Arms Law. In operation, the datasets are mutually exclusive, so you either use the 1999 or the 2003 dataset. The dataset has been released on

Until next time

Please stay safe.

Best wishes,


Director, Iron Crown Enterprises Ltd

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