Director’s Briefing – April 2018

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Welcome to the eighty-third Briefing and the fourth scheduled Briefing of 2018.
GenCon 2018
Terry and Aaron have been coming up with Shadow World and Rolemaster scenarios for GenCon. It’s a happy mix of standalone demo games and tournament games with some set in southwestern Emer (yes, your chance to glimpse parts of Emer IV early) and some in Gryphonburgh (of Tales from the Green Gryphon Inn fame).
We would be delighted to have additional games run at GenCon so please contact Colin if you are willing to GM some Rolemaster, HARP, Spacemaster, etc.
Shadow World
Charles has delivered the Jaiman NPCs in RMSS/FRP stat form. Terry has switched attention from Haalkitaine text to pour the stats into the requisite tables.
HARP, HARP SF and Cyradon
John Duffield has finished with creating the stats for the Demons chapter of HARP Bestiary is nearly finished with the Demons chapter of HARP Bestiary. So many Demons, so many stat blocks, so many spreadsheets. With the power of Demons ranging from the lowliest Imp (a mere 4th level) to a mighty Archdemon (a modest 95th level), there will be something to challenge player-characters at any power level.
I am back on the case with regard to Something Wicked, Something Wondrous, and finding spell updating very relaxing.
I have answered all of Colin’s Cyradon questions – I am sure he will come up with more!
No singularity yet, but I am trying to see if we can provide Jonathan and Joeri with some extra assistance to get them over the last stubborn hurdle.
Until next time
More editing and more fun writing for me. The next scheduled Briefing will be in May 2018.
Best wishes,
Director, Iron Crown Enterprises Ltd
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