Creature modules for ERA available now!

ERA Creatures RMC
Continuing the success of the brilliant Electronic Roleplaying Assistant (ERA), Iron Crown Enterprises are pleased to announced the release of two new modules for the amazing e-support product: ERA for Rolemaster RMC Creatures and ERA for Rolemaster RMFRP Creatures!
You can get these new modules from RPGNow for just $9.95 by following the links below:
Buy ERA for Rolemaster RMC Creatures >>
Buy ERA for Rolemaster RMFRP Creatures>>
ERA Creatures RMFRPCreature Modules
With the RMC Creatures package for ERA, you get 451 creature templates to choose from in your adventures. In the RMFRP package, you get 778 creature templates to choose from.
The RMC Creature module brings you information on movement, attacks, defenses and critical resolution for each and every entry in RMC Creatures and Treasures, while the RMFRP module brings you the same from the much loved RMFRP Creatures and Monsters
Dragons can be sent sweeping down to breath fire, and killer rabbits can be added to smile upon the party. Plants, demons, unicorns, and more, all included in these modules!
Electronic Roleplaying Assistant
This module is an add-on feature package for ERA for Rolemaster which is available for free from RPGNow.
ERA allows players to create their characters using a step by step wizard, level them up and configure all details in terms of stats, skills and special abilities. These characters can then be added to a running campaign in the adventuring module from which the game master can control all aspects of the game including resolving maneuvers, resistances, resting, and of course, spell casting and combat.
Try ERA for free >>
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