AutoHARP SF Xtreme Out Now!

AutoHARP SF XtremeAutoHARP SF Xtreme is OUT NOW and for the next two weeks only can be bought at the introductory price of $5.00 from RPGNow.
AutoHARP SF Xtreme is an add-on database (drawing upon the HARP SF Xtreme supplement) for the AutoHARP SF software, which combines a character creator and combat tracker in one easy to use application.
The database file includes Vehicle Combat, Vehicles in general added to the items, Cyberware, Interstellar Travel, a Virtual Character converter and the ability to create an AI or Robotic character, providing you with the full suite of options available in HARP SF & HARP SF Xtreme.
Get AutoHARP SF Xtreme for just $5.00 before 19 November.

AutoHARP SF Xtreme Buy it Now