War on a Distant Moon includes descriptions of the worlds and cultures of the Darran province, star charts and terrain maps, current events and important persons, and 5 adventures that place you in the center of the action!
Product Tag: Spacemaster 2
Legacy of the Ancients
LEGACY OF THE ANCIENTS includes detailed descriptions of the massive colony ship Azyr Nebula, the barren planet Thurzaj, the belligerent Urygan race, and five adventures full of action and intrigue!
Vessel Compendium 3
this book includes stats for 1 Fleet Carrier, 3 Cruisers, 2 Destroyers, 2 Frigates, 2 MMACs, 2 TMACs, 2 SMACs and more.
League of Merchants
League of Merchants details the structure of an interstellar network of outlaws, coordinated by a council of master criminals. Corporations controlled by the League, divisions of operation, bases and important members are included.
Vessel Compendium 2
this book includes stats for 8 MMACs, 7 Cutters, 6 Gunboats, 4 TMACs, 2 Destroyers, 3 Cruisers, 1 Blockade Runner, 1 Free Trader.
Spacemaster Companion 2
Spacemaster Companion 2 includes new professions, a new system for using psychic powers, new rules for Cybernetics, hundreds of weapons and devices, new attack and critical tables and much more.
Vessel Compendium 1
This book includes the stats for 10 Exploration Vessels, 6 Transports, 5 Shuttles, 2 Yachts, 2 Privateers, 2 Scouts, 1 Blockade Runner and 1 Courier
Spacemaster 2nd Edition Tech Book
The Tech Book for ICE’s Spacemaster 2nd Edition contains equipment, vehicles for on and off planets, rules for constructing and repairing machines and organisms, plus an arsenal of attack and critical tables.
Armored Reserves
A Vehicle Compendium for Armored Assault. Complete stats for 30 vehicles, ranging from a humble 18 ton supply truck to a 90,000 ton robotic juggernaut, 4 new Powered Armor Suits, specs for 6 new combat aerocraft and more!
Spacemaster 2nd Edition Player Book
The Player Book for ICE’s Spacemaster 2nd Edition contains character creation rules, personal combat, psionic rules and general adventuring rules.