Product Category: Spacemaster

Spacemaster Privateers

Spacemaster Privateers is the ultimate science fiction role playing system. In the dynamic Privateers setting you and your players play a part in the last, desperate gamble to win a war against an evil driven by insanity.

Spacemaster DataNet 7

Enhance your Spacemaster: Privateers game with further details of the Privateers universe and campaign plotpoints including port of call: Crrrrlorrrol, campaign plans, NPCs, black market tech and more.

Legacy of the Ancients

LEGACY OF THE ANCIENTS includes detailed descriptions of the massive colony ship Azyr Nebula, the barren planet Thurzaj, the belligerent Urygan race, and five adventures full of action and intrigue!

Spacemaster DataNet 8

Enhance your Spacemaster: Privateers game with optional rules including fear and influence attacks, life in space, realities of interstellar space, artificial worlds, NPCs, black market tech and more.

Armored Reserves

A Vehicle Compendium for Armored Assault. Complete stats for 30 vehicles, ranging from a humble 18 ton supply truck to a 90,000 ton robotic juggernaut, 4 new Powered Armor Suits, specs for 6 new combat aerocraft and more!

Star Strike

Star Strike is the starship expansion for Spacemaster. It includes simple rules, an array of starcraft, rules to extend the action into 3 dimensions, starcraft construction rules and more.

Beyond the Core

Beyond the Core is a Spacemaster 2nd Edition adventure module which includes a history of Frontier Zone 5, a description of life on the Frontier, a complete list of cultures and races and 3 adventures including maps and NPCs.