Play a classic! Rolemaster Classic offers you the power to create the character of your dreams, from the toughest fighter to the most powerful spell caster with fantasy roleplaying combat that leaves you breathless and spell law that lets you plumb the depths of magic without sacrificing playability.
Rolemaster Classic is a reworking of the RM2 rules from the early 1980′s. However, there were a number of changes, both major and minor, in the reworking. All of these changes were made to make the books easier to use than the 2nd Edition versions.
The four RM Classic books – Arms Law, Spell Law, Character Law and Creatures & Treasures – are available through the Iron Crown Enterprises section of the OneBookShelf Network (i.e. DrivethruRPG and its sister sites) as PDFs and Print-on-Demand softcover books. In addition many other RM2 products are available as scanned, searchable pdfs.

Core rules

Adventure modules

Rules expansions

Shadow World setting material

Other setting materials

e-support products
Catch up on all the latest news about Rolemaster Classic using the Rolemaster Classic tag on the ICE blog.