The Guild Adventurer is a compilation of adventures and adventure-related material for Rolemaster, Shadow World, Spacemaster, and HARP. This issue has 2 double-length adventures, 2 normal-length scenarios and an adventure location.
Product Tag: Shadow World
Demons of the Burning Night
A classic Shadow World adventure module which includes color maps of the region, information on local races and creatures, stats and background on key figures and an enigmatic and exciting adventure.
Kingdom of the Desert Jewel
Kingdom of the Desert Jewel includes adventures for characters of various levels, encounter tables, NPC listings, beasts and poison stats and 10 adventure locations including maps.
Shadow World: Jaiman
Jaiman contains stats for Rolemaster Classic/RM2 and RMSS/ RMFRP, color maps, 8 adventures, layouts, including the Dragon Lord’s citadel, and the catacombs of the ancient kings of Tanara
Shadow World: The Land of Xa-ar
Xa-ar includes a dozen maps, material about the Earthwardens, the Coral Roads and Jewel Wells, a history of the region, 16 adventures and stats for both Rolemaster Classic and RMSS/FRP.
Islands of the Oracle
Islands of the Oracle includes 7 adventure scenarios, maps of all the islands, adventure sites and GM aids, including Master charts for all NPCs, beasts, island military forces and game stats.
Guild Adventurer 1
The Guild Adventurer is a compilation of adventures and adventure-related material for Rolemaster, Shadow World, Spacemaster, and HARP. This rich and diverse set of scenarios will put the adventure back into your game.
ERA for Shadow World RMC
This package includes 68 races and 6 critical tables from Shadow World Master Atlas, 16 attack tables from the Fantasy Weapons supplement and 20 spell lists from Shadow World Master Atlas and Powers of Light and Darkness.
Shadow World: The haunted village
A short adventure set in Southwestern Emer as a taster for the Emer IV sourcebook. Complete with Rolemaster stats for RM2/Classic and RMSS/FRP.
Shadow World Master Atlas (3rd Edition)
Return to the Shadow World, home of Dragonlords and Loremasters, mysterious ancient civilizations and Navigators who ride the magical Flows of Essænce. The Master Atlas Third Edition has arrived, completely updated and revised.