Product Tag: Rolemaster Standard System / Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing
ERA for Rolemaster RMFRP School of Hard Knocks
ERA for Rolemaster RMFRP Arms Law (2003)
This feature package adds all attack and critical tables in RMFRP Arms Law (2003). Arm your characters with weapons, and your monsters with 11 different natural attacks. Or just go bare handed with martial arts strikes or throws.
ERA for Rolemaster RMSSFRP Treasure Companion
The RMFRP Treasure Companion for ERA includes 79 treasure tables, 3 professions and 22 spell lists. It gives you the ability to create items (both magic and mundane) but also piles of coins and jewels.
Spell Law: Of Essence
Contains over 50 spell lists, character information to expand the core Essence professions of your Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing game, attack tables and critical strike tables and more.
Essence Companion
The Essence Companion delves deeply into the magical realm of Essence magic. Inside, you will find new professions, variant rules, new options, and a wealth of spells.
Rolemaster Quarterly 2
Enhance your Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing game with optional rules and source material including Elementalist training package, spell lists, elemental manipulation, Warrior Priests, NPCs and magic items.
RMFRP Fire & Ice: The Elemental Companion
The hottest and coolest Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing supplement ever. New spells, new professions, new training packages, and new monsters will add spice and power to any campaign game.
Spell Law: Of Channeling
Contains over 50 spell lists, character information to expand the core Channeling professions of your Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing game, attack tables and critical strike tables and much more.
Rolemaster Quarterly 4
Enhance your Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing game with optional rules and source material including Thief Schools, Traps, Adventure Locales, Magic Items and more.