Product Category: Spacemaster

Spacemaster Future Law

Future Law is the ultimate players’ guide to Spacemaster, with new professions and character options. Get the most out of your character and feel the power of Spacemaster with this exciting new book.

Disaster on Adanis III

Disaster on Adanis III is a Spacemaster adventure module which includes information about the struggle for control of Adanis III. As disaster strikes, three adventures involve you in the intrigue and desperate rescue effort.

Spacemaster DataNet 6

Enhance your Spacemaster: Privateers game with further details of the Privateers universe and campaign plotpoints including port of call: Hassus, campaign plans, NPCs, black market tech and more.

League of Merchants

League of Merchants details the structure of an interstellar network of outlaws, coordinated by a council of master criminals. Corporations controlled by the League, divisions of operation, bases and important members are included.

The Spacemaster Companion

This supplement expands the Spacemaster system. It offers alternate Settings, a compilation of Major Houses, Corporations, and renegade groups, new weapons, vehicles and spacecraft, new alien races and more

Spacemaster Companion 2

Spacemaster Companion 2 includes new professions, a new system for using psychic powers, new rules for Cybernetics, hundreds of weapons and devices, new attack and critical tables and much more.

Spacemaster DataNet 5

Enhance your Spacemaster: Privateers game with optional rules and further details including the semi-psychic, port of call: Helios, campaign plans, NPCs, black market tech and more.

Spacemaster Blaster Law

Blaster Law is the complete guide to energy weapons and their use in combat. It includes 13 Laser Attack tables, 13 Blaster Attack tables, 10 Plasma Weapon Attack tables, 5 Sonic Stunner Attack tables, 20 Critical and Fumble tables.