Product Category: Spacemaster rules expansion

Spacemaster Future Law

Future Law is the ultimate players’ guide to Spacemaster, with new professions and character options. Get the most out of your character and feel the power of Spacemaster with this exciting new book.

Armored Reserves

A Vehicle Compendium for Armored Assault. Complete stats for 30 vehicles, ranging from a humble 18 ton supply truck to a 90,000 ton robotic juggernaut, 4 new Powered Armor Suits, specs for 6 new combat aerocraft and more!

Armored Assault

Armored Assault is the vehicular expansion set for Space Master: The Role Playing Game. Command small unit actions with a handful of AFVs, or mobilize full-blown campaigns, mustering subs, surface ships, walkers, artillery and more!

The Spacemaster Companion

This supplement expands the Spacemaster system. It offers alternate Settings, a compilation of Major Houses, Corporations, and renegade groups, new weapons, vehicles and spacecraft, new alien races and more

Star Strike

Star Strike is the starship expansion for Spacemaster. It includes simple rules, an array of starcraft, rules to extend the action into 3 dimensions, starcraft construction rules and more.

Spacemaster Companion 2

Spacemaster Companion 2 includes new professions, a new system for using psychic powers, new rules for Cybernetics, hundreds of weapons and devices, new attack and critical tables and much more.