Product Category: Rolemaster

Gamemaster Law

Gamemaster Law provides guidelines, tips and details to run Rolemaster (or any other FRP game). Topics include group dynamics, player motivations, story presentation, world design, campaign evolution and much more.

RMFRP Races and Cultures

Races & Cultures gives you everything you need to design unique, exciting and diverse characters. Included are all the core races as well as many humanoid (including centaurs), and fey races like the Dwelf and the Pech.

Shadow World: Jaiman

Jaiman contains stats for Rolemaster Classic/RM2 and RMSS/ RMFRP, color maps, 8 adventures, layouts, including the Dragon Lord’s citadel, and the catacombs of the ancient kings of Tanara

Creatures and Monsters

A bestiary of epic proportions! Discover hundreds of animals, monsters, and races. Many from myth, others are staples of fantasy fiction, and many more are completely original – unlike anything you have ever seen before!

ERA for Shadow World RMC

This package includes 68 races and 6 critical tables from Shadow World Master Atlas, 16 attack tables from the Fantasy Weapons supplement and 20 spell lists from Shadow World Master Atlas and Powers of Light and Darkness.

Gethaena Underearth Emer

Gethaena, Underearth Emer contains a complete campaign, details on the Ishru who rule the Underearth Realm, flora and fauna, maps and layouts, statistics for all NPCs and monsters and new spell lists for the Ishru.

Rolemaster Combat Minion RMC

Rolemaster Combat Minion is a free web app to help GMs process and track combat encounters and stats / health / wounds. It streamlines the entire combat process, including initiative, combat calculations, attack and critical tables.