Powers of Light & Darkness features over a dozen religions, new details about the Dragonlords, the Loremasters and the Navigators and spell lists for Priests Arnak and The Steel Rain
Product Category: Rolemaster setting material
Shadow World Player Guide – The World
Step into the Shadow World with this guide to a richly detailed and exotic fantasy setting. Designed for players, the Guide will inform and delight them with crystal-clear text and stunning artwork, which bring the world to life.
Shadow World Master Atlas (4th Edition)
Return to the Shadow World, home of Dragonlords and Loremasters, mysterious ancient civilizations and Navigators who ride the magical Flows of Essænce. The Master Atlas Fourth Edition has arrived, completely updated and revised.
Shadow World Master Atlas (3rd Edition)
Return to the Shadow World, home of Dragonlords and Loremasters, mysterious ancient civilizations and Navigators who ride the magical Flows of Essænce. The Master Atlas Third Edition has arrived, completely updated and revised.
Shadow World: The Coudlords of Tanara
Set in the east of the continent of Jaiman, Cloudlords of Tanara includes new material about the Coral Roads, information on agents Urulan, new character backgrounds and adventure scenarios and much more.
Shadow World: Eidolon
Eidolon Contains city maps of Eidolon and Sel-kai, over 250 businesses from the area, new adventures, skyship and watercraft info, NPC stats for RM2/Classic and RMSS/RMFRP and more.
At Rapiers Point
At Rapier’s Point presents the era of Musketeers, outlaws, and masked avengers who fight for justice, glory and the King. complete with new professions, rules for fencing, muskets and pistols, and swashbuckling maneuvers.
Shadow World: Haalkitaine & The Court of Rhakhaan
Haalkitaine includes: Color maps, over a dozen adventures, price and commerce charts, overview of the government and profiles of the Rhakhaan nobility, new organizations and much more.
Shadow World: Emer III
Emer III Contains 2 Jerak Ahrenreth Citadels, the Lost City of Zæn, colour maps, the hives of the Krylites, 25 pages of adventures and much more.
Oriental Companion
Oriental Companion is your guide to using Rolemaster for the land of the Orient and is a mix of many Far Eastern cultures and fantasy. This book contains new professions, skills, powers, creatures, items and more.