Races & Cultures gives you everything you need to design unique, exciting and diverse characters. Included are all the core races as well as many humanoid (including centaurs), and fey races like the Dwelf and the Pech.
Product Category: Rolemaster rules expansion
Rolemaster Quarterly 4
Enhance your Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing game with optional rules and source material including Thief Schools, Traps, Adventure Locales, Magic Items and more.
RMFRP Mentalism Companion
The Mentalism Companion explores the magic that is mastered by the sheer power of your mind. In this book, you will find new professions, variant rules, new options, and (of course) lots of stuff for Mentalism spell users.
Rolemaster Quarterly 7
Enhance your Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing game with optional rules and source material including Craft Guilds, Rolemaster Tips & Tricks, The Planes: The Void and more.
Time Riders
GMs will find information on the nature of time travel and associated phenomenae. Time Riders is full of practical information on paradoxes, predestination, timelocks, fating, loops, and other unique time effects.
Gamemaster Law
Gamemaster Law provides guidelines, tips and details to run Rolemaster (or any other FRP game). Topics include group dynamics, player motivations, story presentation, world design, campaign evolution and much more.
Rolemaster Quarterly 6
Enhance your Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing game with optional rules and source material including Clerical Schools, Traps, Adventure Locales, Magic Items and more.
Rolemaster Quarterly 5
Enhance your Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing game with optional rules and source material including Woodsmen Schools, Traps, Adventure Locales, Magic Items and more.
RMFRP Fire & Ice: The Elemental Companion
The hottest and coolest Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing supplement ever. New spells, new professions, new training packages, and new monsters will add spice and power to any campaign game.
Essence Companion
The Essence Companion delves deeply into the magical realm of Essence magic. Inside, you will find new professions, variant rules, new options, and a wealth of spells.