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ERA for Rolemaster

Rolemaster is a detailed role playing game, providing the means to create a wide array of different characters and resolve manoeuvres of any kind, all by following a consistent set of rules and tables.
ERA (Electronic Roleplaying Assistant) is the ultimate companion for Rolemaster campaigns. Just by running this free application players can create their characters using a step by step wizard, then level them up and configure all details in stats, skills and special abilities, even overriding the automatic calculations. Afterwards, they can be added to a running campaign in the adventuring module. From there, the game master can control all aspects of the game: resolve maneuvers, resistances, resting, and of course, spell casting and combat.

Get ERA for free and try it out using the included Rolemaster Classic sample races, professions, spells, attacks and criticals. You can also get complete datasets including additional professions, races, talents, skills and spells for both Rolemaster Classic and Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing (RMFRP), namely:

Rolemaster Classic

ERA for Rolemaster Arms Law for Rolemaster Classic esupport database

Rolemaster Classic Arms Law

ERA for Rolemaster Spell Law for Rolemaster Classic cover

Rolemaster Classic Spell Law

ERA for Rolemaster Character Law for Rolemaster Classic

Rolemaster Character Law

ERA for Rolemaster Shadow World companion for Rolemaster Classic

ERA for Shadow World RMC

ERA for Rolemaster Armory companion for Rolemaster Classic cover

ERA for Rolemaster RMC Armory

ERA for Rolemaster Combat Companion for Rolemaster Classic cover

ERA for Rolemaster RMC Combat Companion

ERA for Rolemaster Companion I for Rolemaster Classic

ERA for Rolemaster Companion I

ERA for Rolemaster Creatures Compendium for Rolemaster Classic cover

ERA for Rolemaster RMC Creatures

ERA for Rolemaster Oriental Companion for RMC cover

ERA for Rolemaster Oriental Companion

ERA for Rolemaster Treasure companion for Rolemaster Classic cover

ERA for Rolemaster RMC Treasures

Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing

ERA for Rolemaster core and character law for Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing cover

RMFRP Core and Character Law

ERA for Rolemaster Spell Law for Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing cover

RMFRP Spell Law

ERA for Rolemaster Arms Law for Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing cover

RMFRP Arms Law

ERA for Rolemaster Shadow World Companion for Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing

ERA for Shadow World RMSS/RMFRP

ERA for Rolemaster Armory for Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing

RMFRP The Armory

ERA for Rolemaster Combat Companion for Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing

RMFRP Combat Companion

ERA for Rolemaster Essence Companion for Rolemaster Standard System

RMFRP Essence Companion

ERA for Rolemaster Mentalism Companion for Rolemaster Standard System

RMFRP Mentalism Companion

ERA for Rolemaster Channeling Companion for Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing cover

RMFRP Channeling Companion

ERA for Rolemaster Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing Arcane Companion cover

RMFRP Arcane Companion

ERA for Rolemaster Creatures module for Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing

RMFRP Creatures

ERA for Rolemaster Fire and Ice for Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing

RMFRP Fire & Ice

ERA for Rolemaster Races and Cultures for Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing cover

RMFRP Races and Cultures

ERA for Rolemaster Treasure Companion for Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing cover

RMFRP Treasure Companion

You can save money by picking up multiple datasets in one of our bundles:
RM Classic Core Datasets: Contains RMC Arms Law, Spell Law, Character Law and Creatures.
RMFRP Core Datasets: Contains RMFRP Arms Law, Spell Law, Core and Character Law and Creatures.
RMFRP Companions Dataset: Contains Arcane Companion, Channeling Companion, Mentalism Companion and Essance Companion.

Want to find out more about ERA for Rolemaster and how it works? Check out these brilliant walkthroughs:

ERA for Rolemaster – Module overview
ERA for Rolemaster – Installation
ERA for Rolemaster – RMFRP Character Creation
ERA for Rolemaster – RMC Character Creation
ERA for Rolemaster – RMC Stats
ERA for Rolemaster – Character Sheet Overview
ERA for Rolemaster – Character Sheet Skills
ERA for Rolemaster – Non Player Characters
ERA for Rolemaster – RMFRP Combat
ERA for Rolemaster – RMC Combat
ERA for Rolemaster – RMC Active Spells
ERA for Rolemaster – Custom Ruleset Adventure

For the latest ERA for Rolemaster news and releases, check out the ERA for Rolemaster tag on our blog.