Author Topic: Loremaster  (Read 25609 times)

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Offline Walt

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Re: Loremaster
« Reply #220 on: September 24, 2008, 12:34:48 PM »
Why that is can take up a whole other thread.

Now that?s a beautiful idea! I for myself would name this new thread somewhat like "mostly personal discussion about perspectives of altruism etc with not too much relevance for the original topic Loremasters"

Mod Commentary
I will see what I can do tomorrow.  Working on home projects past two days and will see about that, ironically, at work where we have hi-speed.

However I will say that such surgery moving posts might get a little ugly but I will do my best as Loremaster posts are mixed in.

Actually I do find this discussion quite interesting and would love to comment on it further but will refrain until it has been moved the off-topic area.  I will post here where it went so don't get worried if lots of posts disappear.

I would also like to thank those participating that while the thread has meandered, it has remained civil and not too far into 'real world' theology/cosmology that often dooms such things.  I was getting worried after the Stalin/Hitler comment.

Anyway, I will stop here before I contribute more to the off topic-ness of the thread

End Mod commentary

Thanks again Mocking Bird.
I agree that the discussion is interesting.
But I have no understanding that two persons are capable of that particular discussion, but uncapable of opening for it a new thread.

Offline Elrik

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Re: Loremaster
« Reply #221 on: September 30, 2008, 12:35:56 PM »
Hey Walt,

I am not sure I see the Loremasters as a secret organization. I think they don't advertise themselves, If on a missions they may play dumb, but I think most would answer Yes, if asked directly.

Sometime ago we ran a low lever game and one of the Players though it would be cool to play a Loremaster. In the end it was no different then having any other boss. The difference was the people expected more from him. He was expected to know things, more things then one human could learn, on a variety of topics. He was expected to know people, why they did things, how they did things etc.

He compared it to working for Interpol. You are party of a global organization but have limited authority. Although some people will listen to you, they don't always take you serious.

As he climbed in levels he was given more information, freedom and access to different places. Nomikos gave him greater access to the restricted books. Loremaster Island became more a home then an place of education and refuge.

I would say that a loremaster on a mission would be easier to play then a known quantity. The Unlife likes Loremasters as they tend to be well educated and creative. Other people want to know what the lore masters know, and most are willing to cut it out.

Common people fear you or scoff, as many thing you really don't exist. Those that travel around may see you as a help or hindrance.

As players we grew to resent the Loremasters as they sent us all over the place and we never got paid, took us a while to even realize what was happening. Then we left him. The player was forced to make a new PC, or not play at all.

Eventually all the crap we did for the Loremasters came back on us, even though we where no longer working for them. A large group of messengers took us apart.

Uggg that game still annoys me. Blood manipulative Loremasters.
I'm told it's my duty to fight against the law
That wizardry's my trade and I was born to wade through gore
I just want to be a lover, not a red-eyed screaming ghoul
I wish it'd picked another to be it's killing tool

Offline Walt

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Re: Loremaster
« Reply #222 on: November 08, 2008, 06:36:21 AM »
Even if I?m not to much into this quotation stuff, because I?ve the stron belive that everbody has got to make his own mind up at roleplay, I won?t deprive you of the following (found in the Tanara timeline, 5410 SE): "[...]There is also the matter whether the Crown will accept another than a true heir. The Loremasters are unable to resolve the situation,[...]"

Offline Elrik

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Re: Loremaster
« Reply #223 on: November 09, 2008, 01:05:53 PM »
There is also the matter whether the Crown will accept another than a true heir. The Loremasters are unable to resolve the situation

In my game I have it that the system that maintains the crowns is genetically marked to the Family. It is as much a part of the security as it is to ensure a complete connection. I keep the family lines tight. I would guess that a person who knew how (and had the personal power), could reprogram the helms on the spot, assigning a new family in the dynasty. Otherwise the two that know how would have to reprogram the master system, when they get around to it.  

I have it in my mind that at one time, Loremasters that played as advisers to the kings had some understanding of this, incase it came up. I also have it that most of these Loremasters are dead now. There may have been records, but few, if any understand what must be done.

I'm told it's my duty to fight against the law
That wizardry's my trade and I was born to wade through gore
I just want to be a lover, not a red-eyed screaming ghoul
I wish it'd picked another to be it's killing tool

Offline Walt

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Re: Loremaster
« Reply #224 on: January 17, 2010, 03:08:21 AM »
I know it's a bit of a blanket explanation,(...)

Second (and this is a side-effect of the Flows), the current reigning cultures on Kulthea have not really advanced technologically enough to power any great expansion. The Loremasters like to be thought of as wise teachers, but they are not generally friends of technology, and they would prefer a level of civilization that they can influence.

Far too much of a blanket discussion. Like Mnchy wrote, the system is sort of unbalanced, the only question arising is wheter the change will be revolutionary or evolutionary.
ANd of course, the position of the Loremaster in this is a most controversyl one. Are the Lormaster the the good guys or are they far more dangerous in their static approach, preventing development

Walt, you read my mind. This Loremaster seems sometimes like the clergy in the movie "Name of the Rose", a group slipted in subgroups with different ideas in how to help. Too many times the loremasters seems a group that hides knowledge trying to protect, and allowing evil to grow only justified by their "not action policy". In Khultea there are not too much "good guys" that try to change something.

Maybe just the Wizard Storm and Randae fit the "Hero Type that do something useful". Andraax and Tethior are powerful sure, but they don't interfere directly too much and the same works for the Lords of Orhan. Voriig Kye can't be considered "good guy" (nevertheless is my favourite character ).  In the Other hand we have Steel Rain, Raven Queen, Jerak Arenreth, Dragonlords, Arnak Priests, The Alliance, Ondoval, K'ta'virii lord in the East.

Each day i consider the Loremaster like a old-fashioned order, ruled by tradition forgetting their past motivations. I like to play and interact with players as a frustrating burocracy, only good to recieve small hints and general directions.

Maybe with the lose of one of Utha's Eye, Randae will grow and the Loremasters will interact more with the world.
A bit off topic, sorry about that... ::)

Following this interpretations I would estimate that one of the biggest enemies of the Loremaster council is the original founder, Andraax. Andraax is far to open minded, so to call him insane would help Kirin to shorten his influence on the Loremaster organisation and cut of his power base in the societies of Kulthea.

Offline metallion

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Re: Loremaster
« Reply #225 on: January 20, 2010, 11:24:12 AM »
Following this interpretations I would estimate that one of the biggest enemies of the Loremaster council is the original founder, Andraax. Andraax is far to open minded, so to call him insane would help Kirin to shorten his influence on the Loremaster organisation and cut of his power base in the societies of Kulthea.

Hi, Walt!

I see it differently -- at the end of the day, Kulthea is one great big prison and Andraax is the warden.  The Loremasters are a bunch trustee prisoners who don't realize which side of the bars they're on.  Andraax only becomes their enemy if they ever realize just how greatly they've been had.

Even then, their anti-tech stance does some good.  Ever wonder what brought down the Worim and Jinteni?  The Worim at least reached modern tech, judging from what Clycallah dug up.  I'm thinking Andraax engineered the downfalls as preferential to destroying the world or letting the barrier fall.  One only wonders if he instituted Loremaster equivalents in those days and has been getting better at picking who to trust.