Author Topic: Consequences of Seers in a city  (Read 3634 times)

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Offline Malleable

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Re: Consequences of Seers in a city
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2018, 07:33:29 PM »
My thoughts on what has been posted so far seem to be coming up with ways to counter Seers and information gathering.

My question is why?  Just because you find yourself in a city that has a concentration of information gatherers why immediately jump to ways to counter this?  There will always be Seers and Mentalists in the world.  Just because you will be running more of them shouldn't justify trying to find a lot of counter measures.
If you went to a city ruled by a theocracy and packed with Priests you wouldn't immediately be trying to find anti-channeling methods before going there. 
If your party starts buying all kinds of anti scrying, mind reading, and divination gear then you have pretty much made the city a cake walk for your adventurers - they can counter most of the negative effects right off the bat.


Offline Druss_the_Legend

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Re: Consequences of Seers in a city
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2018, 09:55:27 PM »
some great ideas here already! i was also thinking of the minority report plot style with a police force of seers seeking out criminals before they commit the crime.
something i have used successfully in my campaign is fortune tellers/tarot card readers.
i used an actual deck of images (40 cards) and had players roll dice to select 3 cards each time they visited a seer with scrying ability.
this let me drop cryptic info/clues to them about plot and future events. As GM you have the ability to plan ahead and use future events/modify future events to match some of the tarot card readings. just keep it cryptic enough and i think ur players will appreciate the effort. with a little prep beforehand u could easily link a fortune telling to people or places of known events that are happening in ur campaign.

Offline Nightblade42

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Re: Consequences of Seers in a city
« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2018, 10:13:32 PM »
I like that a lot, Druss.  You could even incorporate a Tarot Mage (from RMC7) into that sort of setup/scenrario.  Something I might try in the futureā€¦

Nightblade ->--

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: Consequences of Seers in a city
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2018, 10:17:46 AM »
You want guidelines for seer spells? I've used these story dice to great effect in a campaign with a lot of visions, dreams and omens.

I also use them to help me guide other queries by the players, for example material in a library when researching.

I make the player roll them, and maybe a higher skill or a more accurate description of their objective will give them more or less of the dice to roll.
They also love to throw in ideas on how to interpret the result of their roll, and I make sure to make note of that.

Offline Jengada

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Re: Consequences of Seers in a city
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2018, 12:57:06 PM »
You want guidelines for seer spells? I've used these story dice to great effect in a campaign with a lot of visions, dreams and omens.

I also use them to help me guide other queries by the players, for example material in a library when researching.

I make the player roll them, and maybe a higher skill or a more accurate description of their objective will give them more or less of the dice to roll.
They also love to throw in ideas on how to interpret the result of their roll, and I make sure to make note of that.

I've used a number of the ideas posted earlier, including getting Mentalism Companion - which ROCKS! I like this idea, and I think I'll bring my "Once upon a Time" cardgame to use the same way. (
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Offline Jenkyna

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Re: Consequences of Seers in a city
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2018, 10:13:04 AM »
On page 10 of Eidolon they include a note that says most of the city's Seers aren't as talented as they let on, and will at least partially fake their information, only a few are truly talented. Their advice is to use Seers to help the players along when they are really stumped, but not to make them an easily tapped font of all-knowledge.