Author Topic: Monster of the Day.  (Read 1616 times)

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Offline Zedul

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Monster of the Day.
« on: March 22, 2011, 05:13:46 PM »
As a GM I affectionately refer to this demon as a "party killer" and rarely use it in adventures.  The mere mention of the word "feeder" drains the blood from the faces of my players and usually sends them into full retreat.

Level: 65  (Class VI)

AT: 20 DB: 450 Hits: 3k AQ:-1 OB: Huge Bash +600, Huge Bite +660

Immune to poison, disease, nether, ice, and lighting – half dmg vs all other elemental attacks.
+30 RR vs all realms.

Spell Lists:  Void Mastery, Nether Mastery, Ethereal Ways, Chaotic Mastery

Feeder demons are the bane of some of the greatest heroes of lore.  They are large and incredibly powerful but thankfully not always super intelligent.  Most often the minions of evil gods; these creatures are uncommonly strong (the equivalent to a 135 ST) and their hide is impervious to anything but Eog (+35) weapons and higher.  They are considered Super Large creatures all critical rolls against them are reduced by ten points.  They do not bleed, cannot be stunned, and do not suffer negative penalties to their actions no matter how severely wounded they are.  They are extremely resilient to most forms of magic and completely impervious to Nether, Ice, and Lightning.  Absolution has no effect on them, and they cannot be held or slowed.  They are unstoppable, unthinking, entities of destruction.

Feeders come in a wide variety of forms and appearances.  They are generally larger than a dragon and absolutely horrifying in appearance. :o

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Re: Monster of the Day.
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2011, 08:02:32 AM »
Hmm, that is certainly heinous.
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Offline kevinmccollum

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Re: Monster of the Day.
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2011, 08:30:12 AM »
Wow. This isn't a serious monster in your world is it?

Offline GrumpyOldFart

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Re: Monster of the Day.
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2011, 10:16:48 AM »
One of the things I always liked about RM was never needing monsters like that. As long as you have "monsters" that can be developed like a character race, you have monsters that can kill your party.

But then again,

Feeder demons are the bane of some of the greatest heroes of lore.  They are large and incredibly powerful but thankfully not always super intelligent.  Most often the minions of evil gods; players tend to already know that you can't really even afford to annoy the local cops, much less the Gods. So their chances of ever encountering something that moves in such exalted circles is effectively nil, anyway.
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Offline Zedul

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Re: Monster of the Day.
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2011, 02:34:22 PM »
Wow. This isn't a serious monster in your world is it?

Yes it is... and one was taken down for the first time ever recently.  The party is still bragging about it and probably will be for a long time.

I allow my players to annoy the gods in our campaign as the gods in our world are kinda the bad guys in a way.  It's Law vs Chaos, much like the Elric Saga eventually some champions have to arise to throw off the gods.

Strict campaigns with power checks at every stop can be fun but I have a unique situation on my hands.  My current party is from all over the country and in the last four years this party has been together they have probably spent over $10,000 each on airfare and hotels and thousands of more dollars cruising ebay for old Rolemaster materials (before RMSS).

Most of these players are 20+ year gaming vets who have played dozens and dozens of characters each.   They are doctors and lawyers and engineers, scientists, et. - not an easy group to keep hooked.  Challenging them is extremely important.  The overall arch of the campaign needs to run like an epic fantasy trilogy and I get a huge ration if a single adventure isn't up to snuff.  It's a tough environment to be a GM in because the stakes are so high.

One of the players who occasionally shows up is from our first gaming session in 1980.... 

Anyway, that is totally not for everybody, probably not for MOST gaming groups and if you have a new player he/she is going to run screaming from the table after his/her 5th character in two days is stomped to ashes so I definitely do not recommend it most GM's/Gamers.

This monster is only here for those who run similar epic campaigns.