Author Topic: Mechwarrior Conversion?  (Read 3382 times)

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Mechwarrior Conversion?
« on: March 10, 2010, 08:32:24 AM »
My buddy and I have talked about how we miss battletech and mechwarrior when it hit me that spacemaster would be a great vehicle for that type of adventure (since MW was not that great of a system and the BT combat system was very rudimentary).  has anyone done any conversion work for this already?  If not, NBD, just didn't want to reinvent the wheel... thx.

Offline Guillaume

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Re: Mechwarrior Conversion?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2010, 09:47:23 AM »
no need to convert much.

For Spacemaster First Edition, everything in in the Spacemaster Companion under the MIRC ( Mechanized Interface Robotic Comboid ) Heading.

For Spacemaster Second Edition, grab Armored Assault and you'll get everything you want about air, ground and sea combat.

For Spacemaster : Privateers things are in the Vehicle Manual.

The pick up the MW background and you're done.

Well unless you want to actually convert all these pesky battlemech to SM... then that is going to require some work as there's no real convertion rules that I know of.
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Offline markc

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Re: Mechwarrior Conversion?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2010, 11:24:32 AM »
 Welcome to the ICE forums.

 First I would pick up Armored Assault no matter what version of SM you are using as IMO it is a great work for what you are trying to do. Also Mechs are going to be bigger than in CBT as that is just the way the rules work. You can make things smaller if you like which will be more CBT like.
other thoughts:
1) SM is a d100 system and is very easy to adapt to a d10 system
2) You can make a system to have each part of the Mech body have hits so you still have blown off limbs and other effects like in CBT. Think of using the RuneQuest distribution of hits to body part hits.
3) I do not know of any replacement for heat sinks so you may have to change some stuff if you want to incorperate that into your game.

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Offline bpowell

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Re: Mechwarrior Conversion?
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2010, 03:47:25 PM »
When I used to play BT (many moons ago), I played with a  fellow that used SM as the RPG and the BT rules for 'Mech combat.  He has converted the 2d6 to d100.  So i know it can be done and it is a not all that hard to do.

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Re: Mechwarrior Conversion?
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2010, 04:23:20 PM »
 I have not seen the new RPG but I have the old one's so I cannot say how difficult the new version is to convert. But also the new BT core books are IMO great and can be converted to Armored Assault fairly easily if you even need to much conversion. On the other hand the Strat OP's book might take more looking at with Star Strike to get the same feel as CBT.
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Offline kevinmccollum

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Re: Mechwarrior Conversion?
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2010, 02:19:07 AM »
We did Battletech type combat using Armored Assault with pilots rollled using SM2 years ago. It worked well and was a lot of fun. You could almost get the feel of being in the cockpit as hits bounced off or did actual damage. It is too bad you can't find people who play SM these days.

Offline Onirim

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Re: Mechwarrior Conversion?
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2010, 01:36:20 PM »
For Mechwarrior RPG i will use spacemaster + the battletech rules for mech' combat. I don't use a single system, because using battletech map & rules is quite fun in a Mechwarrior campaign :)
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Offline VladD

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Re: Mechwarrior Conversion?
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2010, 06:03:16 AM »
Looking to fix my Mechwarrior addiction I ran into this:

IMHO it is done quite well. One can get Crysis for a very reasonable price: under 20$ and they are working hard to improve the game. Its quite hardcore battletech rules, so its gonna appeal to the table top fans, as well as the Mechwarrior 1-4 fans.

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Re: Mechwarrior Conversion?
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2010, 08:37:19 AM »
3) I do not know of any replacement for heat sinks so you may have to change some stuff if you want to incorporate that into your game.

Heat up Both
Could you treat rounds of sun to your opponent as "overheating" for your own mech. Different mechs could take varying amounts of this heat stun before shutting down.
This way, you heat up when you fire AND when you get hit. Hot heavy weapons will cause more heat damage to both mechs. Heat sinks could relieve stun rounds just like herbs. One could remove 5 or 10 or pay a ton of Credits Heat Sink that could relieve 20/rnd, but you could only use it 1/10 rounds..

Heat stun based on OB
Let's say it's safe to fire your Particle Beam Cannon with only 1/3 your full OB added to the roll. When you use 1/2 or all the bonus, if stun rounds result then they could be x1.5 or 2x heat stun..

Heat Stun Based on %Activity
Reloading a large crossbow in RM requires 220%Activity (iirc). What if you could reload it with only 60%Act BUT added the 1/2 the difference to a self-inflicted Heat Crit.. This wouldn't be a problem for someone who had some sort of magic armor that gave a bonus to RR vs heat or reduced heat crits by 1, etc.

Whichever way you go.. I think RM can handle it.
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Offline yammahoper

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Re: Mechwarrior Conversion?
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2010, 09:52:48 AM »
perhaps heat build up could be expressed as a penalty to OB or mnv's.  The sinks would then be rated as reducing X ammount of penalty per round, minute, etc.
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