Author Topic: Static, Comprehensive Skill List  (Read 3145 times)

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Offline Karizma

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Static, Comprehensive Skill List
« on: April 18, 2009, 05:12:17 PM »
One of the things I find bittersweet about introducing new skills is that the new skills are usually pretty nifty (Frenzy, Rituals), but it spreads the rules and lists across multiple sources.

So as GM, it's my job to lasso everything together of course for my group.

I want to come up with a comprehensive list of skills, both all-encompassing, and minimal.

The best place to start was HARP Lite, see what HARP core adds on to that (going from bare-bones to "basic"), then see how supplements can be added. I will focus on usefulness to adventurer as key.  I'm Non-Core skills are from College of Magic and Martial Law.

*Decisions are Underlined for personal reference.
Dancing- Cannot be replaced by another skill, but feels useless.  However, despite being generally useless, there are certain instances in which it can be useful.  I will only keep Dancing due to its use in some rituals.
Mimicry- I feel this can be used by Acting, and will not include it.

- Contortions: I think of contortions as an antithesis for acrobatics.  While Acrobatics is is maneuvering in freedom (through the air), contortions is about maneuvering in constriction (getting out of bindings, or crawling under something).  Because it's an opposite of a somewhat (arguably) necessary skill, I will keep contortions as well.  So far this isn't turning out as I'd like.
- Flying: No.  I'll let this be a blank spot.  If a character COULD fly, it'd be mandatory, but as far as I run games, none of my races can fly.

- Chi Defense: I'm likely to have a monk, so yes.
- Chi Speed: However, this skill does not suit my tastes.  I may work on an alternate Concentration skill to keep the category worthy of being the monk's focus, but at this point Chi Speed does not seem to be worth it to me.
- Chi Strength: Yes, although I can't help feeling that this is similar to Chi Focus.  It's the partner of Chi Defense, and it makes sense to have it.
- Frenzy: Yes, I mean what's a barbarian without Frenzy?

No change.  However, I want to say that Appraisal should be an extension of a Craft skill.  For the moment I'll keep it, but I'm considering scratching it and making Appraisal rolls based on the appropriate Craft or Lore skill.

No change.

Mystical Arts
- Runes, Rituals, Divination, and Alchemy: I want to lump these three into a type of skill.  I'm hereby creating a new skill: Arcane Craft!  An Arcane Craft skill is similar to a normal Craft skill (They break apart into multiple Crafts: Arcane Craft: Runes, Arcane Craft: Rituals, etc.).
- Power Point Projection: With magic item crafting, this one's a bit important, but otherwise useless.  I'm going to try to rationalize this in Fluff so I can come to a conclusion.
Power Point Projection is the transfer of Power from the caster to a target.  It is the intentional, controlled redistribution of Power.  Attunement is the process by which a caster configures an item of power to work with himself.  This process creates a link between the Item and the Wielder.  The assumption can be that Items of Power have a self-containment barrier.  The caster must use his own Power to break that barrier; once broken, the Item's power will seep to the current Wielder, who will begin reciprocity of Power with the item.  The caster must use Power to break the Item's barrier.  The caster must transfer Power from himself to the Item to break the barrier.
By coming up with this Fluff, I can rationally state that Attunement and Power Point Projection are the same skill, and can scratch off Projection from the list.

- Beastmastery: Pro: Great for Barbarian-like characters.  Con: Sounds almost just like Animal Handling.  What I might do: Make Beastmastery a Talent.  Maneuvers are based on the Animal Handling skill.
- Horticulture: Feels useless for an adventurer, I think I will move this to a General Craft.

No change

- Ambush: I feel Stalk & Hide can provide the same kind of situation.  Use Stalk & Hide to sneak up, then again (with a harder difficulty) for the Ambush.
- Poisoning: Sounds like a Craft to me.
- Sniping: Sounds like what someone would attempt to do with a bow no matter what: "Aim".  I would "Snipe" by making a Maneuver roll using the Weapon skill.
- Dirty Fighting: No.  If I need it, I'll make it a Trickery maneuver.

This is all just thinking for the moment, putting it here for thoughts or critiques, or anything I'm missing?  This is all based on me wanting to try to keep as close to "Core" as I can while incorporating the extra opportunity of the supplements.

Once I finish this, I'm going to come up with the list of Crafts and Lores that I feel cover all the basics.
Thanks for input!

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Re: Static, Comprehensive Skill List
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2009, 06:59:16 AM »
Very nice! I agree that the use of some skills (in my campaign) is only that I have to explain them, so players can say "Oh! I don't need that".

I'd like to throw in that I always thought it shame for Stalking & Hiding to be one skill. It should be two. Most kids no quite well how to hide, but they are a bit clumsy toddly.
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Re: Static, Comprehensive Skill List
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2009, 09:20:47 AM »
Nice list of changes, and whilst I do agree on some of this points, I would offer an idea that we used with chi-skills, and some other skills when we felt it fit in. When one of my players rolled an insanely high Chi Speed manoeuvre, open-ended sometimes results in that, and this would, if it where a spell, result in double-effect or triple, or whatever, I would let the effect of the chi skill last for another round (or two), no roll to maintain, or perhaps even better, give them an extra "round of actions" the following round (if the skill in use was Chi Speed). I mean, chi-speed is silly really.. it takes a round to initiate, and the following round you get two round, so basically, its a delayed action plus another action.. the pay-off is not satisfactory compared to the cost in DPs to have the skills high enough to work properly most of the time. The spell Haste at least, you can scale up. So its "worth" more...

You idea of Arcane Crafts is a good one, but that us basically just making certain skills in the same skill category, put into a sub-category, no more changes. Yes? Seems redundant, but perhaps its easier to think of them skills that way. So nothing changes except in name.
You attunement rationale is all right to me, I rarely have players creating magical stuff anyway, I mean, I once has a player who tried playing a Thaumaturge, but he ended up retiring him (went back to his magical hide-out-island-community og thaumaturges), because he felt useless. Making it one skill, could potentially, make it possible for players to more "easily" create magical stuff later in a campaign, if and/or when they decide upon such a course of action. I would use this.

Beastmastery: Well I see your point with this one, but then with professions like druid and the beastmaster would need that talent, in addition to the special talents to master beasts in that way they do. Still, got no good argument for not doing it the way you suggest. I would consider it.
Horticulture: what did that skill do again? ;) hehe. Why not, but it could also just be a lore skill, with my understanding of the skill by how its written in the skill section in the rule book. I would perhaps keep the skill, but perhaps move it to general. Because its not a pure craft skill, and not a pure lore skill, its includes some of both qualities. I mean, a weapon smith should have lore: weapons and lore: metals & alloys, not just the craft skill... at least that?s my opinion.

Ambush: I?d keep it. I see your point, but for what I would arguably call "balance-issues" I would keep the ambush skill, same with sniping.
Poisoning: like horticulture, this is also a sort of lore skill, which is why I gather they are seperate from both craft and lore, at least with poisoning. Its a skill that encompasses both knowledge about, but also the know-how to use. Its not crafting poison, you flower-bed does that, you harvest it (with herbcraft) and prepare and apply with this skill, whilst also identify its qualities and such. I would keep this. Poisons are powerful and rare (at least in my setting).
Dirty Fighting: well, both yes and no. I rarely use it, my players rarely use it. I should use it. To kick my players arses. After that I can see if having it as a separate skill has any merit.
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Offline Karizma

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Re: Static, Comprehensive Skill List
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2009, 11:32:09 AM »
You idea of Arcane Crafts is a good one, but that us basically just making certain skills in the same skill category, put into a sub-category, no more changes. Yes? Seems redundant, but perhaps its easier to think of them skills that way. So nothing changes except in name.
While I was making a new skill sheet (like the one in HARP core, but including some of the newer skills and excluding the ones I mentioned), I found that you're absolutely right.  I scratched the idea and just wrote in all the Mystical Arts skills (Alchemy, Cantrips, Charmcraft, Divination, Ritual, and Runes) and that seems to work.

Looking at Chi Speed, I noticed that you can hold it for more than one round, which makes sense, so I ended up leaving that in.

As for Beastmastery, I think that the skill itself should only really be available to a select few (The druids and beast masters), and in the end the only real difference that I see between Animal Handling and Beast Mastery is that Animal Handling is domestic and Beast Mastery is feral.

Horticulture & Poisoning:  I can understand your point, but *my* interpretation is that the Craft skill does not have a counterpart Lore skill; I assume that Craft skills include the knowledge regarding the subject, so if I made "Craft: Poisons" it would be similar to "Herbcraft", in which it encompasses the application and identification of poisons/herbs.

Ambush, Sniping, and Dirty Fighting: You're probably right about balance issues.  Though I've been noticing that my players constantly pour their DPs into combat-oriented skills, and though that works for my current mini-campaign, I want to encourage Craft and Lore skill use.  By reducing the overall number of skills, I free up some DPs for use in more Lore skills or Craft skills.
So it's really just a matter of playstyle  ;)

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Re: Static, Comprehensive Skill List
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2009, 11:37:27 AM »
True, its a matter of playstyle and preferences.
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