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Offline Wōdwulf Seaxaning

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Cyberspace discussion
« on: August 22, 2008, 12:39:02 PM »
I know there are a few CS fans (new & old) on this forum. I was wondering how many of you use the default setting & supplements or use homebrew or converted settings instead ?

I used the default setting for most of my past games when I still gmed. As I mentioned in past threads I've considered converting both Twilight 2000 & Shadowrun.Both of which I'm still interested in doing.I've also considered creating a P-A's still on the back burner.I've decided to resurrect my plans for my own Cyberpunk setting.

For those of you who converted other published settings which ones did you use? For those who created their own settings.What were your influences ?

Mine influences for my project is : Ghost in the Shell (GNs n' Anime) , Akira (manga n' Anime),Blade Runner,Empty Zone (comic) & Cyborg.
How my setting finally comes out only time will tell.
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
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Offline Allen

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2008, 01:10:20 PM »
I'm home brewed all the way... ok, so my world is a rip off of my friend's. :)

influences include Bladrunner, The Aliens series, the Predator series, AvP 1&2, Max Headroom, Overdrawn at the Memory Bank, Strange Days, John Mnemonic (if you haven?t ready the short story form William Gibson),  Hackers, Sneakers, Mad Max, most John Woo movies such as The Killer, & Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man... more anime than you can shake a stick at (from Akira to Area 88 to Appleseed & Dominion: Tank Police as well as Gosht in the Shell)... toss in a blender, add a splash hentai and other adult material to taste, set blender to frappe for about 90 seconds. (please note that not all ingredients ahve been listed ;) )
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Offline Jorik

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2008, 05:26:56 PM »
I'm preparing a short 2-3 session adventure using the original setting as background but the story itself revolves around a mission to another planet - so none of the original setting will actually be experienced by the players:
New Edison corp. has made a giant leap in technology (I haven't decided how exactly - maybe alien technology uncovered on mars) and managed to secretly create a space ship with hyper-space capabilities - though only a prototype.
They are covertly sending a group (the players) to the planet Aurelia, located 40 light years away, supposedly a planet with perfect conditions for life according to modern science (look up in order to check it for possible colonization.
I thought of mixing Dark Space and some fantasy material on the planet itself, along with a primitive alien race and perhaps dragons!  I had this dream of fighting dragons with aircrafts and lasers  :D .
They will eventually encounter the Bio-Crystal, which allows magic-like abilities to be cast on Aurelia...

Still working out the details.

Offline Wōdwulf Seaxaning

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2008, 06:16:30 PM »
I'm home brewed all the way... ok, so my world is a rip off of my friend's. :)

influences include Bladrunner, The Aliens series, the Predator series, AvP 1&2, Max Headroom, Overdrawn at the Memory Bank, Strange Days, John Mnemonic (if you haven?t ready the short story form William Gibson),  Hackers, Sneakers, Mad Max, most John Woo movies such as The Killer, & Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man... more anime than you can shake a stick at (from Akira to Area 88 to Appleseed & Dominion: Tank Police as well as Gosht in the Shell)... toss in a blender, add a splash hentai and other adult material to taste, set blender to frappe for about 90 seconds. (please note that not all ingredients ahve been listed ;) )

We seen to be on a similar wave-length interest-wise LOL Though I love Preditor & Aliens I won't be including such elements to my world.
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
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Offline Dax

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2008, 06:32:50 PM »
The start of my CS "campaign" was long ago (and it ended after two sessions).
The main influence was Bladerunner, but I lead the group into one of the sheltered suburbs for public servants (they killed a special investigator).
Back to their area they were ambushed by order of their own customer.
The PCs never tried to find out what there was all about - even as they heard that the killers (they) had kidnapped the wife and the daughter of the investigater (what they didn't. Their customer was even strict about not to hurt wife and daughter).

Ups, short answer would be Bladerunner and William Gibson's Neuromancer.

Offline Wōdwulf Seaxaning

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2008, 11:27:56 AM »
So you never tried to run another campaign ? I'm all for Bladerunner as it's one of my fav. movies (I have yet to read the book it's based on =P ). I enjoyed Neuromancer the 1st time through as well as a few of Gibson's other Cyberpunk books.Yet, I prefer Steven Barnes "Aubrey Knight" series, George A. Effinger's "Marid Audran" trilogy & "Hardwired" by Walter Jon Williams ,are my primary non-manga/anime based influences.
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
R.I.P. Barry Blair
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Offline lev_lafayette

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2008, 10:00:58 PM »
I've run three Cyberspace campaigns in my time.

The first used the default setting, but was driven in attempt to reach Mars as a major plot trajectory.

The second combined Dark Space and Cyberspace and used the Dark Space setting (there was one planet where tech was still around, remember?). Oh yes, it was really good.

The third, oh my gosh, basically took current politics and imagined what was the worst things that could happen. Then I wrapped it into a game environment that was a little like Paranoia, but without the funny parts.
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Offline Dax

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2008, 04:26:02 PM »
So you never tried to run another campaign ?

No, but I wrote them cards, instead of the normal (boring) greetings from vacations I told them cut scenes from my campaigns (even gave them hints). One showed them the future of their CyberSpace PCs who would work memory erased on a planetary colony in another star system.

To start anew would be a problems because one of the players (and my best friend) won't play anything but fantasy.  :'(
But time will tell.

BTW I stopped writing cut scenes after all of us (except me) got married,
nowadays I write greeting cards to families.

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2008, 01:45:21 AM »
I used to run the game at late 80's and early 90's. I used mainly the default setting at first but the games I ran tended to be short lived (PCs got killed etc.).

After a while I bought Space Master and used SM rules and a few home brewed settings. I have to admit that some time after that I changed to Cyberpunk 2020 for cyberpunk games although I ran quite long Rolemaster and Space Master campaigns (so I didn't ditch the system totally).

But yeah, the setting was golden, actually much better than Night City setting. Hmm... I really have to thin of digging up the old copy of Cyberspace when HARP SF is published and try the rules with it. Yes, that would be cool...
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Offline Wōdwulf Seaxaning

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2008, 12:19:50 PM »

Like you I went from Cyberspace to Cyberpunk 2020 . The thing I did like better in the Nightcity setting for CP2020 over the CS setting was the gangs . They were more fun & original.Sure they remind me of the gangs in 'the warriors' but unlike the 'warriors' rejects in the CS setting they seem cooler . I mean come on GI Joes & Cyberpunks ??? LOL lame. I didn't like CP2020's the 'clone' gangers though ( I can't remember what they are called).

I'm still debating on if I'll use the default setting w/ minor modifications or do my own . I'll have to find my notes on my plans for my own setting .Either way , I'll be using CS for my campaign if I run one .I'm not big on HARP , so HARP SF is out for me .
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
R.I.P. Barry Blair
R.I.P. Drew Hayes
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Offline SnowDog

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2008, 07:35:03 AM »
I didn't like CP2020's the 'clone' gangers though ( I can't remember what they are called).

I'm still debating on if I'll use the default setting w/ minor modifications or do my own . I'll have to find my notes on my plans for my own setting .Either way , I'll be using CS for my campaign if I run one .I'm not big on HARP , so HARP SF is out for me .
I think those 'clone' gangs were called Posers. I didn't use them in my campaigns, either (except my self made gang called 'Inner City Goblins' that were people who had been surgically modified to represent orcs and goblins).

Personally I think that HARP SF has a lot of potential but then again I don't have personal experience with HARP.

Anyway, I had some pretty golden moments with CS. Those shrapnel criticals were just hilarious not to mention deadly.
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Offline Wōdwulf Seaxaning

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2011, 04:43:42 PM »
Sorry for the lateness of the reply... You are right I think they were called posers. I like your idea of the Goblin poser gang. I could see other kings as well. I may use that kind of poser gang in my next campaign I run.
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
R.I.P. Barry Blair
R.I.P. Drew Hayes
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Offline claud1961

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2012, 05:05:01 PM »
I played this game when it first came out, and wanted to try it again.  I had to bid on everything on Ebay, but it was worth it!

When I ran my campaign, I relied on Ron Goulart's Fragmented America sieries.  The concept is that soon Chinese Commandos will invade the US; the resulting political confusion, coupled with the new power of the megacorps, cause America to fragment.  Our story takes place in the Republic of San Fransisco, and involved a Kuffs sort of story, where the characters were hired to protect a small block of businesses from encroaching gangs and megacorps speculators.  Great fun, and a few odd things, such as:

The Tin Angel.  A mysterious 800 number can be called to retrieve dead bodies, for a small fee, or pick up dead transients or whatnot.  Nobody knows why, or what it is all about...each van has a Mercedes style radiator cap with an angel on it. (No, my cars and vans are electric or hover- it's a mater of style).  I never got around to developing the Tin Angel, but it was fun when players eventually wondered what it was all did I,as I didn't know either.

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2012, 10:23:45 AM »
Haven't GM'd Cyberspace in decades.
This was ~22yrs ago and we almost never used the Net part of the game. Full immersion would take way too much processing power, imho.

I'm amazed at my lack of originality, but the main influence was Bladerunner and Mad Max. Add a bit of the movie Wired (it had some good small robot ideas) and Robocop, Max Headroom. A megacorp used some terminator robots and I was working on mech ideas. Always wanted to convert ED209 and Elemental Armor from Mechwarrior.

Converting from Cyberpunk 2020 to Cyberspace would be easy enough. One had a d10 base and the other d%.

Cyberpunk 2020 did have cool gangs. (Bozo Clown Gang! Had one player in the gang who replace a lung with c-4 on a dead man switch. Crazy..) but Cyberspace did have some cool  professional military outfits. I guess we'd call those training packages, today. Also liked the Socio Economic Class ideas for Cyberspace. (Cyberpunk had a ton of supplements that weren't heavy in page count but info dense.)

I do like claud1961's China ideas. Sort of like a version of Twilight 2000 on home soil.

There was a brief mention of limited space travel and Mars colony unrest. Always thought that should have been explored more. Cyberpunk 2020 had a few good resources for NEO that would convert easily enough.

More recently, Kim Stanley Robinsons Mars series is an idea I'd like to explore. IIRC, there was a Mars colony that had one or two lines of description in Cyberspace. Near future teraforming was described for Venus in the Cyberspace rules. Robinson's Red/Blue/Green Mars series had some game tech elements.

It might be had to find but Underground had a cool Cyberspace/Paranoia feel. All tech was bio based though with a troops coming home from Nam to a thankless society theme.

I wonder if my current group would like to dust off the books..  ;)
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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2012, 11:42:51 AM »
I played this game when it first came out, and wanted to try it again.  I had to bid on everything on Ebay, but it was worth it!

When I ran my campaign, I relied on Ron Goulart's Fragmented America sieries.  The concept is that soon Chinese Commandos will invade the US; the resulting political confusion, coupled with the new power of the megacorps, cause America to fragment.  Our story takes place in the Republic of San Fransisco, and involved a Kuffs sort of story, where the characters were hired to protect a small block of businesses from encroaching gangs and megacorps speculators.  Great fun, and a few odd things, such as:

The Tin Angel.  A mysterious 800 number can be called to retrieve dead bodies, for a small fee, or pick up dead transients or whatnot.  Nobody knows why, or what it is all about...each van has a Mercedes style radiator cap with an angel on it. (No, my cars and vans are electric or hover- it's a mater of style).  I never got around to developing the Tin Angel, but it was fun when players eventually wondered what it was all did I,as I didn't know either.

 Having lived just north of SF I would have the vans be BMW's as it stands for Basic Marin Wheels.
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Offline Wōdwulf Seaxaning

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2012, 11:14:22 AM »
Anybody mix supernatural elements to Cyberspace or your Cyberpunk based RM or HARP Sci-Fi campaigns? If so, how did things work out? I've been thinking of revamping my setting to include magic & monsters ala Shadowrun but minus the fantasy races.
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
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Offline Allen

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2014, 08:54:06 AM »
Just re-read this thread, had some grins, and once again my desire to some how give CyberSpace a re-birth is renewed.
I prefer sci-fi and cyberpunk type settings for some reason and I think CS was one of the better offerings, if not the best. a lot more thought went into it IMO. So, let's kick start this thread :)
Ooo, that's gonna leave a mark...


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Offline Wōdwulf Seaxaning

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2017, 10:57:06 PM »
I have restarted developing my Cyberpunk (minus the fantasy stuff I mentioned in my last post) setting for Cyberspace called Neo-San Francisco 2150. I still have work to do on it before I can use it.
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
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Offline Wōdwulf Seaxaning

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2017, 01:23:30 AM »
I'm home brewed all the way... ok, so my world is a rip off of my friend's. :)

influences include Bladrunner, The Aliens series, the Predator series, AvP 1&2, Max Headroom, Overdrawn at the Memory Bank, Strange Days, John Mnemonic (if you haven?t ready the short story form William Gibson),  Hackers, Sneakers, Mad Max, most John Woo movies such as The Killer, & Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man... more anime than you can shake a stick at (from Akira to Area 88 to Appleseed & Dominion: Tank Police as well as Gosht in the Shell)... toss in a blender, add a splash hentai and other adult material to taste, set blender to frappe for about 90 seconds. (please note that not all ingredients ahve been listed ;) )

Sounds wonderful Allen :)
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
R.I.P. Barry Blair
R.I.P. Drew Hayes
R.I.P. Gary Gygax

Offline Wōdwulf Seaxaning

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Re: Cyberspace discussion
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2017, 01:30:51 AM »
Just re-read this thread, had some grins, and once again my desire to some how give CyberSpace a re-birth is renewed.
I prefer sci-fi and cyberpunk type settings for some reason and I think CS was one of the better offerings, if not the best. a lot more thought went into it IMO. So, let's kick start this thread :)

I agree I prefer sci-fi (be it Cyberpunk, Space Operas or Post Apocalypse) to fantasy but I'm running a fantasy RMU playtest right now. But as I said I am rewriting my Cyberspace setting. It's called Neo-San Francisco 2150 & I got the timeline done; plus a brief summery. I'm developing the corporations, organized criminal organizations/gangs & other factions; as well as the various neighborhood characters since it had to be rebuilt after the great quake. 
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
R.I.P. Barry Blair
R.I.P. Drew Hayes
R.I.P. Gary Gygax