Author Topic: Making Rolemaster Better!  (Read 22773 times)

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Re: Making Rolemaster Better!
« Reply #140 on: December 08, 2008, 11:42:33 AM »
I have to concur that in general, Rolemaster's initiative/round sequence is possibly the bit that could stand the most improvement. Being a primarily a wargamer who roleplays, I've learnt that the game sequence is pretty much the most important factor in a set of combat rules. One of D&D 3.x's cleverest inventions was it's round sequence, which works quie nicely. I've been playing Rolemaster since about 1990 or so, and I note that a new initiative/round sequences come up with great frequency, and I've tried several of them; none of them have hugely satisfactory. (Considering RMC's version is but the latest of them - which I plan to try out at my next game - I'm clearly not the only one).

Now, I'll grant you I'm not sure myself what the best way of working it is; I think the new RMC system is slightly more elegant than the RMFRP/SM:P system we've been using for the past few years. (I found that out of my group of about eight players, only myself and one other player were really crunching the numbers between Snap, Normal and Deliberate actions and the three phases did slow combat down quite a bit. Granted, sci-fi with lots of guns - including pistol dual-wielders didn't help!) Action declarations are cumbersome too.

At my christmas game, I'm basically planning on using the RMC system, but with my own initative (which is basically QU bonus/5+2D10) and making round seqeunce roughly cyclic like D&D 3.x's is. Rather than have action declarations, I might have some, but primarily I'll ask the PCs what they want to do on their action on their initiative count and resolve it immediate;y (or not, if it's a long action.) I'll see how that goes...

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Re: Making Rolemaster Better!
« Reply #141 on: December 08, 2008, 01:01:52 PM »
We pretty much just wing it and it works just fine.
(2D10 + QU bonus/5) Highest number scored his hit first.
Keeping the Action % somewhere in the back of our heads it's easy enough.
Remember KISS. ;)

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Re: Making Rolemaster Better!
« Reply #142 on: December 08, 2008, 04:43:31 PM »
Yeah, I think that's it, really. I think part of Rolemaster's problems has been it has resolved round sequence a bit too cumbesomely, which causes a lot of folks (myself included) to just toss it aside and goes with what works; like you say.

I just made the 'mistake' of using the SM:P sequence for a while because I thought it looked quite effective. It is, but only if your entire group are number-crunching nutters like me (or the one other guy in the group). The rest of them who are a bit more casual about it more or less have to be recommended what their best action is by me, which kinda slows things down. They don't really want to have to put the effort in to have to learn a system so complex (and that initiative system is complex.)

I just have a tendancy to horribly over-complicate things if I'm not careful...

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Re: Making Rolemaster Better!
« Reply #143 on: March 21, 2009, 11:45:21 PM »
A software that can handle every single rule, especially combat rules and weapon tables.