Author Topic: HARSH  (Read 2873 times)

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Offline Mattiyaho

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« on: May 05, 2008, 05:55:26 PM »
I've been toying with the idea of Harp superheros. I just wanted to get some feedback and if enough people are interested posting what I come up with.

1. Races. For this section I was thinking of

 A. Normals ie regular humans

 B. Mutants unfortunate souls that have received powers but at the cost of their humanity they reiceive 150 Dp for super powers but have obvious deformities.

 C. Superhumans technically mutants but they look normal and receive 100 Dp for powers.

 D. Big Brains Super smart super anoying high mental stats and bonuses to a group of skills representing their area of expertese.

 E. Augmented humans People that have been mechanically altered. 
F. Alien a covert race of extraterestials some wish to dominate us, some wish to study us, and others want their race to leave us alone but can humans really trust creatures from outer space.

2. Profesions

 A. For normal humans to be a competitive hero they need a profesion to give them an edge over the suped up supers like martial artist, soldier, super spy, or mage.

 B. Mutants fall into several profesions Government trained, Street raised, and Raised in hiding.
 C. Superhumans fall into the Government trained, Street raised, and Bounty hunter.

 D. Big brains can be Scientists, gizmoteers, or computer experts, or the darker mad scientist.

 E. Usualy fall into a super soldier profesion

 F. Aliens can be Xenobiologist, soldier, politician, super spy, or freedom fighter.

 3. Powers for this I was inspired by the blood magic talent. Many spells duplicate efects of powers take the base costs of the spell and any scailing options add them up and multiply it by four (base+scailing)X4. OB and duration of the power is determined by the use power skill which must be developed seperately for each power and the super being can use the power when nessisary. Also the super being can buy powers as per the blood magic rule and use them 3 times a day. For example a super can buy elemental bolt fire scaled up to huge for 48 DP's the base spell is 4PP the scailing is 8pp for a total of 12pp times 4 is 48 DP's and the hero can throw his huge fire bolt as often as he wants. Useing a power counts as one action.

4. For combat I intend to use HB #11 basicly for the randomisation of crits so if the villan with the huge fire bolt and a use powers:fire bolt of 200 shoots you caracter and tops the chart it's not nessisaraly time to use a fate point and heros deffinately need fate points.

Some questions I have are what is a good DP value of some of the monster talents such as tough hide, reverberating strength, amphibious, Flight, and Natural Weapons.
Also some sugestions on how having multiple armes and/or legs would work and DP's for them.
I welcome any coments or sugestions.


Offline Right Wing Wacko

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« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2008, 03:15:56 PM »
I am not interested.

But someone else may be!

PS. I think HARP SF would work better for such a genre...
A military solution isn't the only answer, just one of the better ones.

"Note #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game."- markc