Author Topic: Creating the New  (Read 3486 times)

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Offline aarondesk

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Creating the New
« on: March 17, 2008, 07:13:30 PM »
HARP newbie here... I've just finished the section on character creation. HARP looks like a really neat slick system. Can't wait to try it (need to find some players...).

Anyways, I certainly see that HARP is a flexible system that allows all sort of characters, rather than cookie-cutter types. I can see where eventually someone might want to move beyond the base book to new professions, races, spells, etc. I'll have to pick up some of the books with some of these additions.

I'm starting to ramble, but are there any guidelines anywhere for designing new races, professions, or spells? I don't think designing new skills or talents would be too complicated to create, but these other may be a little more difficult.


Offline Thos

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Re: Creating the New
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2008, 08:28:38 PM »
For creating new spells, College of Magics has very excellent rules! Designing new races is pretty easy when you take into account the general amount of racial bonuses and talents are all in fairly equal numbers. Try observing the already existing races as templates to help so you don't create anything that will unbalance your game. :) As far as new professions are concerned, I would always consider creating a training package before introducing a new profession. The Bazaar Annual and The Codex have some excellent additional professions, BTW! If you really feel that a new profession is needed, again take a good look at the already existing ones to help you keep game balance. I hope that helps! All the best!
My wizards are many, but their essence is mine. Forever they are in the hills in their stone homes of grief. Because I am the spirit of their existence. I am them.

Offline aarondesk

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Re: Creating the New
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2008, 11:54:32 PM »
Thanks for the input. Maybe I really am jumping the gun. I'm sure a lot of my questions will be covered in future books.

For years I've been searching for a neat, modular system that can handle a large variety of character types, yet not be too complex. HARP seems to fit the bill.

As I was reading, all the different classes/archetypes I've encountered over the years seemed to pop in my head. For example, barbarians (fighter with special training package/background?), psionicists, paladins, etc. As I mentioned, I bet a lot of these are covered in other books, or simply require tweaking the existing professions.

But there are probably some types that don't fit the existing professions. For example, there was a Kensai (sword saint) class in the original AD&D Oriental Adventures. This was a class that focused almost exclusively on one thing - being a master swordsman.

The fighter class doesn't really fit this, while a monk would be closer (with Chi skills), but the monk focuses on hand-to-hand fighting. Maybe the Kensai could be represented as a Monk with a certain training package and a new martial arts style.

Just some thoughts...


Offline Aaron

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Re: Creating the New
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2008, 12:20:11 AM »
Monks can use weapons as part of their martial arts with weapon kata. So easies way would be using monk with skill weapon kata:sword.

Races and professions are not so difficult to make, there are even some guidelines to creating races in GS's section in core book. (or was it some other book.. cant remember). And for professions, for non-spellcasters just decide fawored categories, free skill ranks and put in talent or two...

Fighter from tribal culture, with heavy focus to melee weapon skills and no skill in ranged (the ranks from culture can be considered for huntig, using missiles in combat is unhonorable), some survival skills and use of skill Frenzy (cant remember if it was in core book, battle rage of sort). Maybe a talent "outdoorsman".
If any spell can be made into potion, how does fireball potion work when someone drinks it?:D

Offline choc

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Re: Creating the New
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2008, 05:47:33 AM »
Spells (creation): see College of Magic p.30 ff and examples here @ GC

Spells (additional): Codex, Grimoire, HARPer's Bazaar, College of Magic

Professions (w/o): professionless HARP @ GC

Profession (creation): All professions have at least 4 favorite categories, all have General and Physical as favorite. All have 20 ranks summary for their favorite categories. Additional it varies, profession bonus + additional favorite skill categories or spheres (40 dp) + some talents. Be careful to avoid overpowering. Best way is to avoid profession boni, add one favorite category, one sphere and additional talents for 10 to 20 points. Additional professions see College of Magics (full spell user) or Codex (semi spell user + druid)

Races (creation): all races have 8 points of attribute changes, 30 points of RR boni, 60 points of PP & endourance boni. All races have 3 race talents; 2 worth of ~30 points and one additional depending on their racial flaw (a more expensive talent result in a worse social reputation. You can restrict professions for some races too (or even demand a few non favorite skills as a must-have). Additional professions see HARPer's Bazaar and Cyradon.

some additional professions example by MARTH (

By Chris Jarnagin and ICE irc channel

The Barbarian is unparalleled in combat, making the most of his lifelong training in weapons. Many Barbarians come from the nomadic tribes where they learned how to survive on their own in the wilderness. Fierce warriors, they shun armor and the studies of magic and arts.

Favored Skill Categories

Combat 8    General 2
Outdoors 4    Physical 6

Key Stats:
Strength, Constitution, and Quickness

Professional Abilities:
All Barbarians gain the ability to rage, which gives them 2x the normal concussion damage, +20 to OB, -20 to DB, the ability to ignore -20 in penalties, and 3 rounds of accumulated stun, for 1 round per Barbarian level.
Beginning at 1st level, and every 5th level afterwards (5th, 10th, etc.), Barbarians gain a +10 bonus to any weapon skill of their choice. No weapon skill can have more than a +30 bonus from this ability.

By Tero Oksala of Finland

The Ninja is an assassin and a spy. Ninjas usually perform jobs that should stay in secret. All Ninjas are highly skilled in silent movement combined with deadly weapon skills. They usually operate in small groups or alone (but exceptions can be made). No one, except the Master of the Ninjas, has removed the mask of a Ninja and revealed his real identity. All who know a Ninja's identity are normally killed by said Ninja. That is why they don't tell anyone, or show anyone who they are.

Favored Skill Categories

Athletics 5    General 3
Combat 4    Physical 2
Concentration 2    Subterfuge 4

Key Stats:
Agility, Quickness, and Self Discipline

Professional Abilities:
All Ninjas gain the Quiet Stride Talent.
Beginning at 1st level, and then every 5th level thereafter (5th, 10th, etc.), Ninjas gain a +10 bonus to any Subterfuge skill of their choice. No Subterfuge skill can have more than a +30 bonus from this ability.

By Jan P. Mueller of Germany

The label "Witch" is applied to common folk to almost anything from Midwife to Herbalist to real Magic User. Only the last of these is represented here. Witches are solely women, working the mystical art to help the people around them with cures, advice connected to nature, and some even have a cat or a toad as a familiar.

Favored Skill Categories

General 5    Mystical Arts 5
Influence 4    Outdoor 4
Subterfuge 2    

Key Stats:
Reasoning, Insight, and Presence.

Professional Abilities:
Witches may learn any spell from the Witch sphere (their spell casting is based on Self-Discipline and Presence). All Witches have the ability to Sense Magic.

Witch Sphere
Animal Forms, Bless, Calm, Control Animal, Cure Disease, Drain Life, Dreams, Guidance, Harm, Herbal Enhancements, Intuitions, Holy Symbol (witch version), Lifegiving, Lifekeeping, Major Healing, Nature's Strength, Nature's Tongues, Neutralize Poison, Restoration, Summon Animal.

PS: psionics can be found in HARP SF - but be careful with mixing talents !
« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 05:53:45 AM by choc »

Offline aarondesk

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Re: Creating the New
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2008, 07:51:25 PM »
Awesome! Great input from all. Now I just need to get order some more books. :) :(