Author Topic: Royal Road usage  (Read 5568 times)

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Offline MaxUgg

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Royal Road usage
« on: October 16, 2007, 09:04:37 AM »
Quick Question...

In the main Gyradon book it says on page 167 that on 28th day of Cilia a bunch of Dwaves turn op with the express intention of re founding the city of BlackFlame. It Then says that the Dwaven Trallen knew how to operate the royal road as that is how they arrived. That seems quite cool and it means another city state with other intentions and politial ramifications and so on - all good for the campaign.... but...

in the Cyradon Gazetter it says....

The Cyrads used a combination of spells to make sure that nobody who knew how to operate the Royal Roads would be able to actually pass through them. If a person who knows how to operate the Royal Roads tries to use one, they are returned, unharmed, to their starting point.
The Cyrads also placed other spells on the Royal Roads so that they would allow any who were seeking to escape the Theocracy of Asut, and happened to find one of the Royal Roads, to automatically activate the Road, allowing them to travel to Belynar, and only to Belynar. These spells also prevent any Royal Road from being used to go anyplace but Belynar for any reason.

Which would insinuate it would be impossible for the dwaves to appear...

but then when i read a bit further I found..

A disguised Cyrad among the Mablung Dwarves helped to influence the Dwarven decision that they should re-colonize Blackflame.
So i guess the Cyad just set the dwaves up as they did every one else... and also I just answered my own question.  :P

Nevermind, Just read Cyradon setting and think it's good so wanted to share - happy Harping!
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Offline janpmueller

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Re: Royal Road usage
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2007, 09:51:40 AM »
*g* Nice post! Happy Harping to you, too, and welcome to the forums. :)
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Offline Rasyr-Mjolnir

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Re: Royal Road usage
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2007, 12:42:16 PM »
Just a couple of  points...

None of those looking to escape the Theocracy of Asut know how to operate the Royal Roads.

There is a group of Dwarves within the Mablung society that know how to operate them, but not all Mablung have this knowledge. Those who did have this knowledge were bounced back to their starting point, so only those Mablung who do not have the knowledge to operate the portals were actually able to make it all the way through.

Yes, the few Cyrads on Mithra did indeed set them up, just as they setup the others as well. They did not start or influence the war with the Theocracy, but they did use it to their advantage to do subtle manipulations here and there, to get humans, gryx, sithi, and dwarves to Belynar.

The Cyrads want to repair the damage done (they cannot return home until it is repaired), but they also don't want to reveal themselves either. So they have worked to gather the people and things required to allow the Devastation to be repaired, without creating the conditions for another Devastation.

Offline MaxUgg

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Re: Royal Road usage
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2007, 03:39:01 AM »
Hi Rasyr,
  Thanks for your reply - nice to hear your view on what is happening/ has happened. You answer made the setting a bit clearer for me and so I can give a better impression to my players during play and not um and urr. so much
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