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Offline Witchking20k

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Combat Actions
« on: August 29, 2007, 07:21:27 AM »
Hey there,
I'm preparing to run our first HARP sessions this week and I need to clarify some of the mechanics involved in using the various combat actions HARP has available.

Dodge & Sudden Dodge:  Both require a stat roll on the maneuver chart, the resulting mod is added to 50 or 25, then applied as DB for the character?

Full Parry: Requires a skill, essentially a "don't fumble" roll, to get the additional +10 to DB?  The counter attack is the high-open ended result on the maneuver table (if any)?

Umm....I think thats it for now.  But, I'm sure I'll be adding to these questions next week after my players stump me....

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Re: Combat Actions
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2007, 07:32:45 AM »
Dodge and sudden dodge: you're right; sudden dodge is used when a PC has already take an action or must change his action in the round.
Full parry: you're right. but work only vs. the enemy designed by the PC for that round. And, obviously, the skill is the skill of OB of the weapon used.
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Re: Combat Actions
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2007, 08:50:30 AM »
Dodge - A selected action for the round.
Maneuver Roll (use 2x Ag bonus or Acrobatics/Tumbling) - retrieve Bonus Result from the Maneuver Table.   Apply Bonus Result and +50 to the DB against one attack. (Ignore result if total is negative).  This is your action for the round.

Sudden Dodge - A revision to an action or an additional action for the round.
Maneuver Roll (use 2x Ag bonus or Acrobatics/Tumbling) - retrieve Bonus Result from the Maneuver Table.   Apply Bonus Result and +25 to the DB against one attack. (Ignore result if total is negative).  This replaces your action for the round if it is a revision.
This replaces your action for the next round if you have already acted this round.

Full Parry - A selected action for the round.
Roll d100 (no adjustments)
- If Fumble - no parry - Fumble Results apply
- If Open Ended High - Continue OE process and apply as attack (with no OB bonus applied) - Parry and Bonus (+10) still apply
- If any other result - Full OB gets added to DB - PLUS - +10 additional
This is your action for the round.
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