Author Topic: Any Crazy Houserules?  (Read 12626 times)

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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #40 on: August 15, 2008, 10:03:04 AM »
Dreven, I recently instituted the same type of intiative structure after moving from a casual 1-action-per-round to Action Points and then getting fed up with the paperwork involved in AP's. I know some other system uses the "declare in reverse, resolve forward" mechanic. However, I did work in a bit of the multi-pahse resolution into my combat. Here's my outline.

1 - Determine initiative: QU bonus plus related stat bonus. (St melee, Prime casting, etc.)
2 - Half movement: 1-50% movement resolved in reverse initiative order.
3 - Quick actions: In initiative order, resolve all fast actions, such as dagger attacks, dangerous dismounts, etc
4 - Normal actions: In initiative order, resolve all average speed actions, such as most melee and bow attacks.
5 - Slow actions: In initiative order, resolve actions which took most the round to do, such as first aid, two-handed weapon attacks, careful dismounts, etc. Also, finish movement for 51-100% movement.
6 - Extra actions: In initiative order, resolve the latter of dual attacks (allowed based on stat requirements and size of weapon) and Hasted chars.

Spells are somewhere in there based on Class of spell, Class II and III need multiple rounds to finish. I have judgements made for holding action, sloppy-but-quicker actions, changing actions, charging attacks, etc.
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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #41 on: August 20, 2008, 09:42:13 AM »
One nonsense rule...
I allow to cast two or three times the second die of the criticals for certain weapons, usually those that hurt less. Eg. I allow two rolls for Daggers; the player gets a 'C' critical, first die= 6 and second die=3 and 6, he chooses the 6 for 66. The goal was improve some weapons fallen into disuse, there is no explanation based on reality.
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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #42 on: August 30, 2008, 10:54:02 PM »
I only really have one houserule, though I'm thinking of adding others in.

Instead of 600+10d10, I use 650+5d10.  It bumps the average up a bit, but still allows the influence of the dice for those who like to roll.

I'm looking at static DP gains, and have considered thinning down the skill list.  But what I really am shopping for is a smoother initiative system.  Snap, normal, deliberate, percent activity...There's got to be a better way.
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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #43 on: August 30, 2008, 11:17:54 PM »
On Init;  Roll init once, then start counting down from 40.

For snap actions, add +10 to the roll, for normal actions, add +0 to the roll, and for deliberate, add -10 to the roll.

If you want Qu to have much greater impact, then add +5, +0, -5.  However, even with the first option, a very high Qu PC or monster can easily get all its actions in before a slow character gets even one.  Regardless, this removes the very static phases and makes melee much smoother.

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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #44 on: December 21, 2008, 08:43:21 PM »
I don't consider this one "odd" in terms of "weird, crazy, silly", but it's apparently odd in that I've known a whole lot of GMs and only one or two besides me have used this obvious trick.

House Rule: If your character dies, and the body does not get recovered/resurrected.... I get the corpse. As GM I want your character sheet, etc. afterwards. Why? Cos I make NPCs and intelligent monsters out of em, that's why.
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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #45 on: December 21, 2008, 11:04:43 PM »
 I always "Recycle" PC's that way. ;D

or did we?

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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #46 on: December 22, 2008, 04:15:54 PM »
Here's one for ya. I've thought about this, but have not yet implemented or playtested it. I found something vaguely like it in one of the RMSS Companions, but can't remember where. Right now my gaming group is dead, so I don't know when or if I will get the chance to test it, either.

Riding the Magic, or the Herding Cats Rule

I have watched a man trap a quarter against a wall with the point of a rapier. He does it for practice. I submit that, for fine control of complex forces, such a feat is child's play next to the casting of a spell.
Controlling the forces involved in even a simple spell is like herding cats. And yes, RRs, SF and ESF all address how that affects the caster and the target. But a poorly controlled spell can affect everything in the area, not just the two endpoints of the spell in question. And just because the spell is successful doesn't make it perfectly controlled.
Such is the logic behind Residual Aura, Aura Contamination, and the Herding Cats Rule.

1. Residual Aura - Most spells will leave a "stain" or "stigmatus" in the area they were cast, that will fade slowly. Channeling is Divine, the only imperfections are in the caster himself, so they only leave a stigmatus of the spell's level in a 1'r/lvl sphere for 1 month/lvl. Mentalism inherits the imperfections of its source, but because the source and the caster are one, the understanding of the power flow is quite intimate. Mentalist spells leave a stigmatus of twice the power, size and duration of Channeling spells. Essence power is the most ubiquitous and least understood of the powers, and has the fewest limits. If you do too well at drawing power and too poorly at controlling it, in Channeling you are limited by the Diety's will, in Mentalism by the limits of your mind and body. Potential damage from loss of control of Essence power is limited only by the mass and spin of the world you're on, and by entropy. Essence spells leave 3 times the stigmata of Channeling.
1a) All stigmata of any realm lose 1'r and 1 lvl of power per month. Thus, a 6th lvl Channeling spell leaves a stigmatus of 6th lvl in a 6'r that takes 6 months to fade. A 9th lvl Mentalism spell leaves a stigmatus of 18th lvl in an 18'r that takes a year and a half to fade, as does a 6th lvl Essence spell. A 50th lvl Essence spell leaves a stigmatus that doesn't fade completely for twelve and a half years.
1b) Spells channeled directly from a Diety leave no stigmata unless the Diety so chooses. Arcane spells will leave stigmata comparable to Mentalism.
1c) Note that none of this matters unless you are casting spells in the same place every day, as in your home or shop. For game purposes, roll d100 (high open-ended)/2 at the beginning of spellcasting in a given area to find out the beginning residual aura. Modify by -30 for rural areas, -10 for small towns, +10 for ruins/dungeons/cities. Results below 0=0.

2. Aura Contamination - Auras interact with one another, sometimes resulting in things none of the original casters intended, or indeed imagined. These are called "improbabilities" or "Fortean effects" or other names. It is randomized magic flow, with magic's ability to redefine local reality, but without control or purpose.

3. The Herding Cats Rule - Any time a spell is cast, there is a chance equal to (100 - BAR/EAR) + (residual aura/2) of an improbability/Fortean effect. The GM rolls d100 open-ended. If (100 - BAR/EAR) + (residual aura/2) + GM d100 = 101 - 200, there is a harmless minor effect within 1'/spell lvl of the caster. 201 - 300 = a medium effect, possibly harmful, possibly not. 301 - 400 = major improbability/Fortean effect, distinct possibility of seriously harmful results. 401 - 500 = Extreme Forean effects, harmful and possibly lethal. 501+ = Reality storm/Everything within 1'/spell lvl of the caster randomly gated to another plane of existence/something else both weird and catastrophic occurs.
3a) Note that only extremely powerful spells or exploding dice will get you into severe trouble *right away*, but the chances of something really BAD happening go up quickly. Since the stigmatus of the spell you are casting will be figured into the next spell's residual, a party with two or more spellcasters will want to keep their battles on the move. If a Mentalist casts a 5th lvl spell and a Magician casts a 6th lvl spell, the next round's residual just went up 14% ([(5*2)+(6*3)]/2). A protracted battle could get really weird, and seige would have a whole new horror.
3b) Note that BAR/EAR rolls include all bonuses and penalties, and a roll above 100 can reduce or eliminate the stigmatus of its casting. A 10th lvl spell cast with a BAR/EAR of 131 or better leaves no stigmatus (111 or better for Channeling, 121 or better for Mentalism/Arcane). An exremely high BAR/EAR temporarily reduces the chance of unwanted effects, weaving the residual aura itself into the new pattern.

Example: Julie Anne Freys (Fighter), Duncan Boxer (Warrior Monk), Flaude Thierry (Magician), and Cy Omega (Mentalist) are fighting giants. They are all 10th lvl, and they encountered the giants in the ruins of an ancient city. Background aura is (22/2)+10=21. Cy wins initiative, casts a 5th lvl spell, rolls 43 with a bonus of 36 so 43+36=79. 100-79=21, 21+21=42% chance of an improbability. GM rolls d100(43), 43+42=85, nothing happens. Flaude fires a lvl 6 Elemental attack with a +44 Directed Spell bonus. Roll 29+44=73, 100-73=27, 27+21+5(1/2 the lvl 10 stigmatus left by Cy's spell)=53% chance of random effect. Gm rolls 59+53=112 and a small bird flies out of Cy's beard. It had to be Cy or Flaude because Julie and Duncan are in melee range of giants, and thus are obviously not within 18'(lvl 6 spell*3 for Essence) of Flaude.
Round 2, 26+9=35% chance of effects. Flaude wins initiative, fires another elemental attack, this time 94+44=138. 35-38=-3% chance of effects. No effect, no roll needed. Cy casts another 5th lvl spell, 50+36=86. 100-86=14, 14+35+0 (note that Flaude's elemental attack left no stigmatus)=49. Gm rolls 66+49=115, and all flying insects within 5' of him turn into brass sequins and fall to the ground.
Round 3, Flaude wins initiative again, gets overconfident and fires a lvl 10 attack with a bonus of +15. 11+15=26. 100-26=74, 74+35+5=114% chance of something strange happening. GM rolls 98+96+93+114=401. Not only did he *badly* miss, but his sloppy control accidentally causes 36d10 live piranhas to rain on an 18'r centering on him. Cy decides instead of attacking this round, he's going to move farther away. If Julie or Duncan happen to notice what's going on, they'll have to make SD rolls to keep from breaking up laughing. Good thing their backs are turned.

It sounds complex, but it isn't. Background aura changes by half the stigmatus of the last spell cast, just keep adding it on. GM rolls against background + however much the casting missed 100 by, so the more skilled you are the less you have to worry. But a spell failure is not just your problem, it's everyone's.
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Offline GrumpyOldFart

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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #47 on: December 22, 2008, 08:51:42 PM »
Question for the house:

What do you do with someone who wants to play a 13/16 Elf, 3/16 Human?
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Offline Viktyr Gehrig

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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #48 on: December 22, 2008, 09:02:22 PM »
What do you do with someone who wants to play a 13/16 Elf, 3/16 Human?

Smack them for wasting my time, and then tell them to either play an Elf or a Human-blooded Elf, depending on whether they wanted their Human blood to affect their character, or if it was just part of their background.

One of the nicest things about games like Street Fighter, is if someone asks you if their character can be undead, or an alien, or the last surviving member of a race of elves from another dimension, you can look them in the eyes, shrug, and say "I don't care. You want to put together a custom fighting style for that?"

Had a player the other day ask me if his psychic monkey familiar could be undead. Didn't figure there was any reason not to.

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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #49 on: December 22, 2008, 09:06:36 PM »
 Do not you have to have an even number, ie 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16. If not then IMO you would have only the major racial elements apply for stats etc. There may also be some resentment or social penalty for the child if they are in an elven enviroment if there is any problems between races. ie I remember your great great great great grand ma steped out with  XXXXXX YYYYYY, a Human. If you can believe it.

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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #50 on: December 22, 2008, 11:19:57 PM »
Do not you have to have an even number, ie 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16. If not then IMO you would have only the major racial elements apply for stats etc. There may also be some resentment or social penalty for the child if they are in an elven enviroment if there is any problems between races. ie I remember your great great great great grand ma steped out with  XXXXXX YYYYYY, a Human. If you can believe it.


Exactly. I've had a historical character in my setting who was partly motivated by shame at being 3/32 Wood Elven.
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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #51 on: December 22, 2008, 11:24:57 PM »
Do not you have to have an even number, ie 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16.

A half elf and an elf have a 3/4 elf child. The child has a child with a Half Elf, resulting in a 5/8 Elf grandchild, who has a child by a human who is 5/16 Elf, etc.

I decided that "High Man" was roughly 1/4 Elf, Half was half, and either Fair or High Elves was 3/4 Elf. And from there rounded to the nearest 1/4.
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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #52 on: December 22, 2008, 11:51:20 PM »
 The math is correct but I do not think [unless you are the US Gov for determining specific racial categories someone might all into] that you would get much benefit from saying that they are not 100% elf.
 The reason is that genetic traits can be all or nothing affairs or even depend on genetic areas above and below it on the DNA strand. Not to even take into account how or if magic affects specific genes in the womb.
 You can also get hung up on just how long does the baby stay in the womb if the father and mother are from different fantasy races? If fact IMO there might just be elves, 1/2 elves and humans as all other attempts at offspring fail. I know this is an easy way to get out of having to deal with the issue but that does not mean that it can not exist. 

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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #53 on: December 23, 2008, 12:16:15 AM »
Going by Tolkien, the character would either be a High Man or a Half-Elf, depending. If both parents were considered human (could be human blood on both sides), then the child is human, regardless of the number of great great grandparents who were Elves. If one or both parents lived as an Elf (or, most likely were undecided Half-elves at the time of birth), then the child is a Half-elf.

If you aren't following Tolkien, just call it an Elf. Although if you aren't doing Tolkien Elves, then I see little reason to allow interbreeding in the first place.
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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #54 on: December 23, 2008, 06:52:48 AM »
Question for the house:

What do you do with someone who wants to play a 13/16 Elf, 3/16 Human?

Use "Elvish Training" or "Racial Training" talent from RMFRP Character Law (or a Gift from EA11 if you use RMC).
Then make his elven ancestry come out somehow during the campaign (an elven relative or an enemy of his elven family  seeking him, ...).
I suppose a magician might, he admitted, but a gentleman never could.

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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #55 on: December 23, 2008, 10:17:38 AM »
 The math is correct but I do not think [unless you are the US Gov for determining specific racial categories someone might all into] that you would get much benefit from saying that they are not 100% elf.

In terms of actual game mechanics, no. But a century and a half ago in the Deep South of the US, a term in common use was "octaroon", meaning someone whose ancestry was 1/8 African. Imagine how culturally important ancestry much be in a given area if such a nitpicking little distinction has its own word.

The reason is that genetic traits can be all or nothing affairs or even depend on genetic areas above and below it on the DNA strand. Not to even take into account how or if magic affects specific genes in the womb.
 You can also get hung up on just how long does the baby stay in the womb if the father and mother are from different fantasy races? If fact IMO there might just be elves, 1/2 elves and humans as all other attempts at offspring fail. I know this is an easy way to get out of having to deal with the issue but that does not mean that it can not exist.

Were it not for game logic dictating that elves and humans are completely interfertile, I would have avoided the whole issue by saying that half elves are sterile. As it is, High Men are an obvious "drop in" for 1/4 Elves, so all I did was take an elf race I wasn't using and drop it into the emprty slot for 3/4 Elves. That gave me a culture in which someone could logically have major attitude issues because she is 3/32 Elven, but didn't require any actual work or changes to the system from me. I rejected the idea of Tolkien half elves' aging rate being a matter of individual choice the first time I heard it, so the 'immortal or not' question becomes moot in my case.
As for gestation times, I figure if gestation times between 2 species are different enough to be a real factor, the 2 species probably aren't interfertile anyway. To make it easy on myself I decided that elves *begin* their lives aging at the same rate as humans, and slow as they get older. Their aging comes to a virtual stop in a biological condition roughly equivalent to a human 25 year old, which an elf reaches around age 40.
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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #56 on: December 29, 2008, 11:50:29 AM »
 The math is correct but I do not think [unless you are the US Gov for determining specific racial categories someone might all into] that you would get much benefit from saying that they are not 100% elf.

In terms of actual game mechanics, no. But a century and a half ago in the Deep South of the US, a term in common use was "octaroon", meaning someone whose ancestry was 1/8 African. Imagine how culturally important ancestry much be in a given area if such a nitpicking little distinction has its own word.

not really important, but my dad's first horse was not allowed to be registered as an Arabian because she was 1/16 something else.
"Even the most free roaming video game in the world still has to rely on programmed quest resolution triggers.  Only table-top RPGs make any solution possible.  Even ones not originally intended by the GM.  You  will never replace that." --Rivstyx

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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #57 on: January 02, 2009, 01:44:55 AM »
Question for the house:

What do you do with someone who wants to play a 13/16 Elf, 3/16 Human?

I kick them in the who-hah and tell to try again.  ;D
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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #58 on: April 07, 2009, 09:03:44 AM »
The Undead Pizza Delivery Man

I'm so using this in my next campaign. On a related note when the GM is busy I often put a Hippo miniature in the campaign then during battle I yell, "I'm hiding behind the hippo!" :)

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Re: Any Crazy Houserules?
« Reply #59 on: April 07, 2009, 03:05:52 PM »
I never really thought of this as a "house rule", but it is something I have always done and has saved numerous PC's lives.

I roll all crits against PC's in the open.  I use a red die and a black die (blood before death) so there is never any confusion on what die is the tens and which is the ones.  I roll the red die, and if the player request it, I will strike the red die with the black die.  This has changed a lot of would be 90 something rolls into less harmfiul mid ranged rolls.  The real drama is when a 0 pop ups on the red die.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.