Author Topic: Is anyone else waiting for the next 2 books—and adventure— before playing RMU?  (Read 3394 times)

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> Re: Is anyone else waiting for the next 2 books—and adventure— before playing RMU?

Not me.

So, when RMU Core Law finally got released, I started thinking about running something using RMU. The game I was running was going to finish in a few months and my players were interested in trying the new system.

I'm a long-term RMSS and RMFRP GM using Shadow World as my setting. The new races do not fit that setting at all. But, Shadow World's a big place, and I can just reskin a bunch of them.

Orcs? Lugroki. Avinarcs? Cast-out genetic failures of Hirazi, or maybe I'll require players to take another tier or two of vestigal wings to give them real flight. Hvasstonn? Hill giants.

I'm finding ERA to be great for RMU character creation. I'm not sure how well it'll run combat, and while a RMU Combat Minion is on the way, it won't be here for a while I expect. Worst case, my players will have to go back to printed tables and running combat manually. I'll do some more experimenting after I get all the characters built.

As for release of Spell Law and Creature Law, I didn't feel the need to wait for that - though the actual release of Spell Law was a nice surprise. I can use the beta versions. It was the final Core rules release I was waiting on. The beta versions of missing books are going to be close enough.

An actual RMU module? Really not bothered. I can restat an existing Shadow World module manually, or something for D&D if I don't find something that will fit the new party. Or just come up with an idea and work off that.

As it is, I expect to be starting a RMU game sometime after Easter.

Online nash

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I'm finding ERA to be great for RMU character creation. I'm not sure how well it'll run combat, and while a RMU Combat Minion is on the way, it won't be here for a while I expect. Worst case, my players will have to go back to printed tables and running combat manually. I'll do some more experimenting after I get all the characters built.

Roll20 character sheet is a much higher priority for me.   So that will be first.  And there is still a bit to go with that.

Offline kwickham

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or just place their full focus where it's needed: the rpg books themselves for the various systems, getting them planned, done, finished and out to us happy buyers
The team that did the Guild Companion online issues could do the other stuff, just like the old online issues, except in PDF format. That doesn't seem like it wouldn't stretch resources to me.

It could build up their support for RMU and likewise the other IP games.

Although the core is coming out now, the companion books beyond the core books seem years in the future since they haven't even been started yet.

Offline Thot

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I am only "waiting" for my present campaign with a different system to finish. Now that Spell Law is out, I have all that I strictly need to run a campaign of my liking, the timing's just not right yet.

Offline pastaav

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Yesterday I started playing with a half-new gaming group, and it went quite well.

As for the matter of needing a setting...I have a bit of difficulty seeing how much of the setting exists in mechanical differences between orcs and the Lugroki. It is given that is creates flavor to have Shay as a name for common men...but does the GM really need that to play?

I think the true setting of Rolemaster exists in the monsters. Mechanics for monsters like Shards and other unique monsters is what is the true setting. Ironcrown needs to provide such but besides that most GMs will be perfectly fine to come up with things for their gaming table.
/Pa Staav

Offline Falconer

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I question if the average RM user really needs RM to provide them a setting.  You have MERP, which I'm sure a good number use.  You have Shadow World, which I'm sure a good number use.  Then you have those who have created their own setting, which I would guess is pretty common for the kind of users RM has.

I also question if ICE would be capable of creating a truly compelling setting with the current situation…
I agree. IMO, Middle-earth* and Shadow World should be the two settings that ICE supports. If I were doing new editions of everything, HARP would be Middle-earth compliant right out of the box, and RM would be Shadow World compliant right out of the box. Subsequent modules would support either or both worlds, and both rulesets.

* - Well, Middle-earth with the serial numbers filed off, obviously.

Offline Thot

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Maybe change "Middle Earth" to "Centerdirt" just so no one tries to suck all money out of ICE. :D

Offline 5th Knight of Xar

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Rolemaster/RMU has the tools to make ones own universe and settings. Middle-earth is fairly established for those who want to use that for their campaigns, coming up with a setting and universe to roleplay in of your own isn't that difficult or time consuming I think, speaking out of years of experience doing so myself.

Offline Falconer

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Any GM worth his salt can run any setting with any set of books, of course. I guess I would just suggest not to underestimate the appeal of a light and slender player’s book that’s setting-friendly without being a setting book per se. Imagine HARP Lite, just slightly more Middle-earth flavored. Or Rolemaster Express, only slightly more Shadow World flavored. Just for example. GMs love their piles of tomes and their homebrew documents, but it’s great to be able to hand a player a book and say, this is all you need.