Author Topic: Test of Champions - Need some trials for a paladin  (Read 556 times)

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Offline Druss_the_Legend

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Test of Champions - Need some trials for a paladin
« on: January 10, 2023, 12:36:55 PM »
I have a PC paladin who is the central character in my current campaign story arc.
The party are on an adventure deep in a dungeon gathering ancient relics from his order to be used in a larger war. He has been sent by the ;eaders of his Temple.
The paladin is about to meet a spirit from an ancient order of knights he is descended from.
The party have just battled undead skeleton warriors in teh dungeon who were suing some of these relics (magical swords, warhammers, shieldsa and armour)
The dungeon is an armoury for ancient relics but the rest of the party are not members of his order and will attract the ire and dissapproval of the spirit if they are using any of the relics when they meet.

I want the encounter to have roleplaying and test the PC paladins knowledge of his order.

What trials or tests can i give him to test he is worthy to lead such a quest?

Some initial ideas:
1) Test of Combat. A physical combat versus a spirit/enemy summoned by the guide
2) Test of Lore. Makelore skill checks about the paladins order/religion
3) Test of 'Ability Score'. Make a number of stat checks vs SD, STR, INT or ME
4) Test of Courage. Have an ally mortally wound the knight and have him heal himself.

Offline RandalThor

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Re: Test of Champions - Need some trials for a paladin
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2023, 07:45:11 PM »
You need to use the tenets of the order for these tests. Those are the important "guts" of the belief system.

Remember Indiana Jones? Leap of Faith? Like that, the tests should confront the paladin in such a way that to choose to tackle them by using the tenets laid down by the deity, they are choosing the harder path. God's want loyal followers who will do things how they, the god, want them done. This is especially true if the tenet goes against their natural instincts.

Cannot get any more detailed than that without knowing the god and their tenets.
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Offline Druss_the_Legend

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Re: Test of Champions - Need some trials for a paladin
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2023, 02:52:31 AM »
Have come up with these...

The 7 Trials of Heqt.

1) Test of Combat. A physical combat versus a spirit/enemy summoned by the guide [FINAL TRIAL FOR ALL WHO ENTER THE ARMOURY]
2) Test of Lore. Make a lore skill check about knowledge of the paladins order/religion [Paladin only]
3) Test of Might [Strength], lift a large rock above your head and hold it for as long as you can [Any PC]
4) Test of Faith [Self-Discipline], Test of Will versus an item (corruption) [Any PC]
5) Test of Wisdom [Intuition], Make an INTUITION stat check [Any PC]
6) Test of Courage. Have an ally mortally wound the knight and have him heal himself. [Paladin only]
7) Test of Power. Channeling skill check (Extremely hard) [Paladin only]

also have 3 riddles called the 3 Laws... different riddle for each law.
Law of Iron (Anger)
Law of Silver (Justice)
Law of Gold (Love)

Offline foilfodder

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Re: Test of Champions - Need some trials for a paladin
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2023, 09:47:46 AM »

4) Test of Faith [Self-Discipline], Test of Will versus an item (corruption) [Any PC]

I would rename your "Test of Faith" to Test of Purity or Spirit. If I was GM and arranging a Test of Faith for a Character, it would involve proving one's trust in the divine being, in this case Heqt.

Example: "Heqt commands you to <fill in the blank>".

The command would vary depending on the character and Heqt or the "guide" you mention. It could be simply an oath pledging loyalty, or a simple ritual. Or it could be deeper. A paladin may very well be asked to remove any non-believers (the other PCs) from whereever the trials are taking place as proof that their loyalty to Heqt is greater than their loyalty to tbeir allies. Whether the Paladin actually succeeds in the task is not important as long as the player character heeded the request and did their best to accomplish it.

Going one step beyond "loyalty", the test may go even further and the character may be asked to violate the teachings of the faith.  Depending on how much background information and roleplaying the players are into this may be out of the normal field of play for some groups.  If the Paladin is commanded to do something by Heqt that is a violation of the teachings, will they carry out the orders or refuse.  The character passes as long as the GM (as Heqt) believes they have proved their faith:
   a. Carry out the abherrant order, trusting the direct commands of Heqt proves faith through action
   b. Refuse the orders on the basis that they violate the teachings of Heqt proves faith through knowledge and wisdom

Offline RandalThor

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Re: Test of Champions - Need some trials for a paladin
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2023, 08:32:34 PM »
I just remembered something:

A while back I visited China (yeah, a long while back) and we went to several temples. At one of them, there was this test you had to pass in order to qualify to join the order. It was a large stone ball, probably 250-300 lbs. or so, in a round, stone bowl. The object was to get the ball out of the bowl. Now the width of the bowl made just reaching in and picking it up exceedingly difficult and only a very large and strong person would be able to do that. I am neither of those things (though of higher-than-average-height for China). But, I was able to successfully get the stone ball out of the bowl. I did it by rolling the ball until I could propel it up, onto the wide ledge of the bowl, at which point it was out. What type of challenge would that be? Strength? Agility? Reasoning? A combination?

I don't know about your players, but I much prefer the puzzle to be something that I (the player) can work out without it just being a bunch of dice rolls. Of course, you players may prefer the dice rolls and that is absolutely fine; you know them so you know which approach to use. (Or something in-between or something completely different.)
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Offline Druss_the_Legend

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Re: Test of Champions - Need some trials for a paladin
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2023, 09:37:31 PM »
I just remembered something:

A while back I visited China (yeah, a long while back) and we went to several temples. At one of them, there was this test you had to pass in order to qualify to join the order. It was a large stone ball, probably 250-300 lbs. or so, in a round, stone bowl. The object was to get the ball out of the bowl. Now the width of the bowl made just reaching in and picking it up exceedingly difficult and only a very large and strong person would be able to do that. I am neither of those things (though of higher-than-average-height for China). But, I was able to successfully get the stone ball out of the bowl. I did it by rolling the ball until I could propel it up, onto the wide ledge of the bowl, at which point it was out. What type of challenge would that be? Strength? Agility? Reasoning? A combination?

I don't know about your players, but I much prefer the puzzle to be something that I (the player) can work out without it just being a bunch of dice rolls. Of course, you players may prefer the dice rolls and that is absolutely fine; you know them so you know which approach to use. (Or something in-between or something completely different.)

Awesome! I will use this idea for sure. far more interesting than just brute strength. The thinking warrior pass as well as a pure brute. Armies and orders of paldins need both :) now what to call it. Test of Vigor? Test of Might? I like the problem solving element of this, which might not be immediately obvious to some attempting the test.

Offline RandalThor

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Re: Test of Champions - Need some trials for a paladin
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2023, 08:16:55 PM »
One of the D.I.s I had at Parris Island used to say, "You will be smart or you will be strong. Either way, you will be a benefit to the Corps." Basically referring to the fact that when we messed up, we were put on the Quarterdeck (or, worse, sent to the sand pit) to do various exercises of their choosing.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Scratch that. Power attracts the corruptible.

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