Author Topic: Two spellcasting quetsions...  (Read 1220 times)

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Offline awesomesauce

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Two spellcasting quetsions...
« on: January 11, 2022, 03:40:45 AM »
Sorry if these have been asked before. I did a search for both and couldn't find anything on them.

1. If a caster is preparing a spell and is attacked and hit (or is interfered with in some way that might disturb his preparation) - is the spell preparation automatically interrupted or can the caster maintain concentration? Is there a roll to maintain concentration?

2. If a hybrid spell-caster is casting a spell, am I correct in understanding they take the worst possible modification on the spell-casting static maneuver modifications table? So a sorcerer (essn-chan) wearing a leather helmet, would be casting at -30 (-30 for essence, -10 for channeling). Does this apply to the bonuses as well. For instance, if she/he has both hands free, would that be a +5 or +10 (it is +5 for essence and +10 for channeling). I assume it is just the worst possible result in all cases, but I just want to make sure that is my correct understanding.

Thank you!

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Re: Two spellcasting quetsions...
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2022, 05:35:41 AM »
Re 1) Our understanding is that taking a hit does not break spell preparation, but a critical does.

Re 2) I'd say yes to your interpretation.

Offline jdale

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Re: Two spellcasting quetsions...
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2022, 09:41:11 AM »
I would say you are interrupted only if the critical renders you unable to continue. E.g. Stun. If it just inflicts hits, and you are still conscious, you can continue. The Mentalism Companion adds a Spell Concentration skill, and optional rules about breaking concentration. You make the maneuver at a penalty of -20 for a hit and -10 to -50 for a critical (A through E).

In RMU, you would make a Mental Focus maneuver to continue concentrating if you are stunned. Concentration is not otherwise broken by being hit.

For #2, that's correct, I think it's clarified in an errata somewhere. It's explicit that when rolling on the base spell attack table, you use the realm that is most advantageous to the target (RMSR pg 99).
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Offline awesomesauce

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Re: Two spellcasting quetsions...
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2022, 10:27:38 PM »
Thank you both for the clarifications.